Can short exposure to natural gas cause any problems?!

Question: Can short exposure to natural gas cause any problems.?
Yesterday, I was at my girlfriend's house, and was heating myself some chili.. I have never used a electric gas stove (only a plain electric one), and was unaware that I needed to ignite a flame before releasing the gas.. (I'm sure there's a more technical term than "igniting the flame;" but, like I said, I've never used an electric gas stove..) I was exposed to the gas for probably around 10, although possibly as many as 15-20, minutes before I was informed that the smell of gas is not supposed to occur while cooking.. By "exposed" I mean that I was nearby, or was at the stove stirring, breathing in a normal fashion; I was not breathing deeply, or making any active effort to inhale the gas.. The most I probably would have ever inhaled was the few times I leaned in to smell the chili, most even then I mostly just wafted the chili towards me with my hands..

With regards to noticeable side effects: I am not aware of any that can definitively be attributed to the gas.. I did not pass out and never felt particularly short of breath.. (When a person does not pass out from carbon monoxide poisoning, I've heard that it's incredibly rare for them to experience any problems later.. I'm not sure, however, if this is the same for whatever gas it is that runs gas stoves..) Today I have a headache and am fatigued, but I've also had a low-grade flu for a few days and didn't sleep as much as I needed to the past two nights.. That being said, I have two questions:

1.. Is it even possible - and if so, is it really likely - that I could have been harmed by that gas without being more aware of it.? I'm not looking for "well, hypothetically......" answers to this, but rather ones that take into account my particular circumstances..

2.. Should I contact a doctor, or am I probably fine.?

My gut instinct tells me I'm fine, and nobody in the house seemed too concerned: they simply turned off nearby heat sources, opened a window, and explained to me what I did wrong but laughed and said it had happened before.. However, I felt that it'd be good to ask, since chemicals can be pretty stuff and, well, I was never THAT good at chemistry..

I really appreciate anyone and everyone's input, but I'd especially like to hear from someone with a similar experience and/or from someone who knows a lot about the subject, such as a chemist, a nurse, or a poison control person..Health Question & Answer

Do you feel sick.? Do you feel fine.? I moved into a house, and had 6 gas leaks.. You will become nauseous, have headaches, and possibly vomit, if you have been overexposed.. I had only 1 day with a slight headache.. I just found out I have been living with an attic full of gas for the year and a half since, yet, I am fine, The gas company said I should be dead, and this house was a bomb waiting to happen........ I'm still here, for some reason.. I am fine.. You should be, too..Health Question & Answer


Natural gas has another danger besides leaking deadly carbon monoxide and causing explosions.. It is not safe as the industry leads you to believe.. It is poisonous to breathe and can kill humans and animals.. I did not have a faulty furnace, I did not have carbon monoxide poisoning.. My home did have a small natural gas leak that never accumulated to the point of explosion.. What it did is poison my family and make us very ill.. Here is my story......

MY STORY by Roxanne Bedford

I began feeling ill the winter of 1999 and 2000.. I had what seemed to be a bad cold that would not go away.. A health clinic took an x-ray and saw fluid in one of my lungs.. They prescribed medicine for bacterial pneumonia but I did not have bacterial pneumonia.. I had chemical pneumonia caused by breathing natural gas in my home.. Because at that time I had not discovered the gas leak and didn't know their was such a thing as chemical pneumonia, took the antibiotics but I was getting sicker instead of better.." rel="nofollow"> Question & Answer

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