What do you do with a broken toe?!

Question: What do you do with a broken toe.?
I think I broke my toe, and it hurts really bad to put any pressure on it.. What can I do to take care of it.? Should I see a doctor, or is there some home treatment I can do.?

Thanks..Health Question & Answer

Usually you just put a little guaze between the broken toe and a good one then tape them lightly together.. The "buddy splint" gives some support to the injured toe.. Wide shoes so that your toes don't get compressed, hard soles usually help so that the toe isn't getting bent with every step.. Elevation to help get the swelling off.. Since it has been a week you can try warm packs to the toe to help increase circulation and promote healing.. Remember that broken bones take 4-8 weeks to heal..Health Question & Answer

I just broke my toe myself..

How did you break it.? Usually you don't have to do a lot with a broken toe except go easy on it, ice it periodically, and take some medicines like Ibuprofen..

If the toe looks crooked, or if it is overly cold, or numb, or extremely painful even when you're not on it, you should get it checked.. You should also get it checked if it doesn't improve a lot with rest after 2-3 days..

What to do with it also depends on which toe it is, whether it's one or many toes, and where you're having the most pain..Health Question & Answer

Tape your toe and another toe together and get a short walking boot..

you could also use crutches!

Best of luck,
MeghanHealth Question & Answer

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