I'm having horrible headaches?!

Question: I'm having horrible headaches.?
For the past 2 weeks I have had debilitating headaches.. They are waking me up around 2 or 3am, throbbing.. I take extra strength Tylenol or Ibuprofen (800mg) but nothing seems to be helping.. I am also experiencing blurry vision.. They seem to be pulsating around my temples.. I am on a lot of medication but I've been taking it for some time without any unpleasant side effects.. What, if anything, could be going on with me.? I feel like if I saw a doctor they would just give me more Ibuprofen which really isn't helping..

I'm taking:
Wellbutrin-SR (150mg/twice day)
Nexium 40mg
Vitamins (2/day)
Health Question & Answer

Unfortunetly, you are not having headaches, you are having migraines..
I've stuggled with those since I was 11.. I would see you doctor and explain your symptoms and they will prescibe you something.. (probably imitrex or propranolol) They wont prescribe you ibuprofin so don't worry!Health Question & Answer

Please see a doc as soon as possible.. It could be a number of things....at the worst a possible brain tumor......that happened to two people I know.. I find that lack of sleep and overdosing on cafeine gives me really bad headaches, but please take this seriously and see a doctor soon..Health Question & Answer

have you changed your diet lately.? sometimes that can trigger migraines, or maybe you've been more/less activeHealth Question & Answer

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