If your sleeping pattern is messed up, but you get the same amount of sleep, is it bad for you?!

Question: If your sleeping pattern is messed up, but you get the same amount of sleep, is it bad for you.?
I get around 6-8hours usally......

sometimes i sleep at 3am until morning, sometimes at 10 until morning, sometimes 6 etc......

Sometimes i sleep 3hours at night, and 2 in the day, and 2 again later etc......

Is this bad for me.?Health Question & Answer

It isn't that it is "bad" for you, but sleep is not as productive.. Sleep allows the body to repair and the brain to dream.. The brain will dream regardless, so the question is about the repair.. When sleep is regular, the body is able to start the process of sleep before you actually hit the pillow.. This makes the process more efficient and allows for more cellular repair.. Irregular sleep can mean that your don't get as much done.. Over time, this can be detrimental..Health Question & Answer

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