My knee has been hurting & I don't know what is causing it. Does anyone have any thoughts on what it could be?!

Question: My knee has been hurting & I don't know what is causing it.. Does anyone have any thoughts on what it could be.?
I play a lot of sports including running and soccer right now.. I am also very young, in my teens.. I think it might be that i run on concrete and treadmills.. And I wear a brace but it doesn't help.. Is there a certain type that might help.?Health Question & Answer

I had the same problem when i played volleyball, i went to the doctor and they gave me Glucosamine (for cartilage) supplements, but truthfully i dont think they helped out at all..

you just have to "R..I..C..E" rest it as much as possible, ice it for 30 minutes then off 30 minutes and repeat, keep it compressed, and elevate it as much as possible..

you probably have fluid built up in your knee from swelling, you might have torn some cartilage in your knee if the pain gets worse you should see a doctor and see if surgery is necessary.. :(Health Question & Answer

Same thing happened to me about a year ago.. I play a lot of rugby at school.. My knee was agonizing one day, so bad i couldn't walk.. I went to the doctor and it turns out i tore a cartilage in my left knee.. i was told by the doctor that cartilage doesnt really heal that much.. i would recommend take it easy for a while, you really don't want to make it any worse.. if you have torn a cartilage and you continue playing sports, the cartilage will tear even more.. the obvious solution to this problem is see a doctor..Health Question & Answer

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