What will make it easier for me to sleep at night ?help ):!

Question: What will make it easier for me to sleep at night .?help ):
i find it really difficult to get to sleep .. I end up staying awake for hours unable to rid my thoughts that tend to be dark.. stranger still , is that if i go to bed in my sister's room i can fall asleep straight away.. In my own room, I can litrally only sleep , if i collapse with exhaustion , or i drug myself up with something .. I don't think i have a sleeping disorder , it may only be that i'm over stimulated before i go to bed or something.. Any ideas.?Health Question & Answer

I also have a huge problem sleeping, but I also don't think I'm an insombniac.. I usually just entertain myself all night with my laptop, but I really don't think that works, but you could try to write down ALL your dark thoughts in a journal or writing program, and count how many thoughts you have, that way they're not circeling around in your head.. It also could be that your room has really bad fung-shui, so you could head to the library and check out a book on that, which might also be the reason you can sleep in your sister's room.. also, if your walls are a bright, sharp color, that might be a problem, and it's easier to sleep in a room that's clean then one that's messy.. You could try making your bed before you sleep, so you can get comfortable.. Another thing you can do, is try to keep your room hot, because when my room is hot, the air feels heavier, and I sleep easier.. You could also try to get a sleep theripist.. Another idea would be to drink some hot herbal tea.. Stay away from caffiene and sugar.. Try washing your face and brushing your teeth before you go to bed, because you'll feel fresher and more relaxed.. also, you could try putting on a movie in a different language with the volume not so high, then relaxe and make yourself comfortable, and try to figure out what's going on, without the words, that way your thinking about something else, and try to fall asleep while watching the movie.. Another thing you can do is have a sleepover with a friend that you know can't stay awake and falls asleep easily and quickly, try to have a lot of fun before the nightime, and when it's time, go to sleep, and don't try to stay up, having another sleeping body in the room will help you fall asleep.. Health Question & Answer

Don't drink anything with caffeine at least 3 hours before bedtime.. Don't eat anything at least 2 hours before bed and never exercise for at least 4 hours before bed.. Drink warm milk.... that actually does help.. But avoid chocolate.. It has caffeine in it.. Taking pills isn't a good idea.... you just get use to them and then can't sleep if you don't take them and end up having to take more and more.. Try easy reading, nothing gory or deep.. Before bed sit and meditate for as long as you can.. That alone may make you sleepy.. Good luck.. If you continue to have problems try seeing a doctor..Health Question & Answer

get up early in the morning and busy yourself for the whole day.. not back breaking labor work, maybe hanging out with friends, cooking, emailing friends, anything! go jogging, or something.. by the end of the day, you'll be tired enough to fall asleep..

if that doesnt work, maybe you do need a new mattress..
what helps me fall asleep a lot is reading before i go to bed, because it tires my eyes..Health Question & Answer

maybe its your matress.. if not you could try taking mellatonin( i dont know how to spell that)Health Question & Answer

ya melotonin is good
so is sleepy time tea

TYLONAL PMHealth Question & Answer

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