Why do i feel really drained all the time? i'm 14..? =]!

Question: Why do i feel really drained all the time.? i'm 14.....? =]
my diets fairly balanced..
i get more than enough sleep.. & sometimes i could have 12 hours sleep & still go to sleep again in the after noon for another 5 hours!.?

i'm under the hospital with head pains..
i don't know whether the two are in correlation to one another.?
My blood pressure can range from
100/63.. to 135/98...?.?.?!!!!!

(The specialist said when it's that high it's due to pain..)

but yeah..
i find that whenever i have a day out, shopping, chester zoo, trafford centre etc..
for the next few days i'm knackered!! like falling asleep all the time!.?
is there any reason why.?


xHealth Question & Answer

I am also 14 and i also feel the same but not quite as bad as you say you do.. The most obvious answer to me is because of puberty, at this age our bodies are going through lots of changes and our hormoes change a lot, this takes up a lot of your energy and that is why teenagers sleep a lot; because their body is changing.. It has not much to do with your diet depending on if you get enough carbohydrates which im sure you do..

It more than likely does have something to do with head pains because if you have pain then it is keeping your body constantly alert and trying to block out the pain whereas if there was no pain you would just be relaxed and using up a lot less energy..

best of luck solving your problem, i hope i was of some help =]Health Question & Answer

It's possible you have an Inflammatory Bowel Disease such as Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's.. This can be confirmed with a CT Scan or a Barium test.. (They aren't fatal) But if you also have agonising stomach pains and go to release your bowels often then you should definitely speak to your specialist about it..

Another possibility is that you could just have Iron Defeciency Anaemia, in which case you just need to top up your Iron with some tablets..Health Question & Answer

There's no real reason why, it's probably nothing bad, no illness or anything.. I had the same thing when I was 15/16, I would always have an hours sleep after school then still sleep all night.. I think it's just one of those things.. And anyway, after a day out everyone gets tired.. They may not show it, but they do.. Especially Chester Zoo, that always knackers me!Health Question & Answer

thats unusual your only 14! but maybe when your out drink some sugary soda i also feel dizy and light headed when im out shopping but i always drink diet coke and straight away im fine againHealth Question & Answer

I have had every conceivable test, and they can't find why.. Health Question & Answer

may be its boreness, may be u have some kind of pressure on u, it can be vary, pressure from normal life, like what is going on around u, do u ok with ur study, don't u feel pressurised with school work in stuff, do u have lots of friend, do they treat u well, r u attracted to any girl and won't be able to tell here......lolll (eventhough u r young) how about ur mom and dad, do u do sports, something fun.? if u do something fun, lots of sport, socialising well with friends, and mom and dad treat u well......then u should be ok, without feeling tried and sleeping a lot......a part from these, if you don't take any drugs, cigarette, alcohol, then you should have some kinda medical issue, which should be discussed with ur doctor......Health Question & Answer

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