My bf wants it more then me... how much is average?!

Question: My bf wants it more then me...... how much is average.?
How much sex are most couples having.? How often.?
I am 24, and it was good for the first few months, then it got less and less.. I just don't want it as much anymore.. Is there any way to fix me.?Health Question & Answer

Testosterone.. A powerful hormone.. It's what makes boys the way they are.. Aggresive and horny.. You ask if there is a way to fix you...... but is there anything really wrong with you.? Most couples aren't having as much sex as the male would like number one.. And number two, not as much as the movies, tv, magazines, and books might lead you to believe..

If it "was good", you might ask yourself, what has changed.? Or what hasn't changed that might be upsetting you.. Yes females like to have sex too, but quite often it is something more than just an orgasm.. It is such an act of giving of yourself, an act of love, that there is a lot of psychology going on.. More so for you than for him.. Explore that and see what might be going on with the relatioship, or not going on with the relationship..Health Question & Answer

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