Tips on quitting smoking...?!

Question: Tips on quitting smoking.......?
I've tried the Gum, and the Patch, but those won't cut it for me, every little thing stresses me out and s*** like that..
Do I have any other options, other than the Gum & patch.?Health Question & Answer

I quit smoking 5 years ago, at age 37, after 20 years of smoking.. This is what I did.. First of all, I found the gum made it worse.. It just reminded me that I wanted nicotine..

I kept track in a small notebook how many cigarettes I smoked every day for a few weeks.. I used tally marks.. After a few weeks, I figured I smoked about, say 20 cigarettes per day.. During my first week, I tried to smoke NO MORE than about 18 per day.. When I got close to the 18 mark, if I still had a few hours left in the day, I stretched out the amount of time between cigarettes.. Then next week I capped myself at about 15.. That first week, I managed to smoke LESS than 18 most days, and maybe smoked more than 18 once, like if I went out to a bar or something..

So I just kept doing this, increasing the amount of time between cigarettes and cutting down each day or week until after about a 2 months I was down to about 5 or 6 per day, and smoked about this many for a week or two.. It was good, because the stress from quitting was gradual.. At this point I would be waking up and waiting an hour or two before my first cigarette, and mainly just having one after lunch, on the car ride home from work, after dinner, etc.. I then got down to only 3 or 4 per day for a week or so, then I just stopped..

I had cravings, but it was not really so bad.. My body was used to only a bit of nicotine at that point.. also, and I think this is really important, I started jogging right then.. It was really tough at first, but after a month or so I felt great.. I jog off and on now, and always have the wind.. It's so fabulous to have gotten rid of that habit, it's been over 5 years now.. I still have cravings every once in a while, but they go away within a minute and are gone.. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

I am for going cold turkey..

But, how I did it was incorporating two methods..
1st - I kept count of how many I smoked each day, and tried to lower the amount by just one cigarette a day every week/few days..
I did not allow myself to have one until a certain amount of time has passed (2 hours / 4 hours /etc......)..
2nd - I tried to disassociate smoking from anything I did.. If I used to have a cigarette after each meal, I just didn't do that.. If I used to have a cigarette when going out or having a drink, I stopped doing that as well..
It sounds silly, but if you don't associate smoking with day to day stuff you'll end up not craving one when such occasions happen..

All that being said, I do think that peer pressure can help you stop smoking, just like it might have helped you start smoking.. If you'll involve your friend and family in the process, it might just help..

As for other techniques.. I've heard of hypnosis.. I've also heard of some kind of pill you take.. And, I've even heard of acupuncture for helping with that.. But, I don't believe in any of these..
Health Question & Answer

I'm also quitting smoking right now, but really I haven't smoked very long at all so I may not be very much help the thing that I have noticed the most is when I ran out of my last pack I was more stressed because (what if I NEEDED one.?) now I keep them around but just not in reach and I still have the pack that I bought last Sat.. and most cravings only last about 10 min.. if you can get past that then your good till the next craving and they get less intense everyday! GOOD LUCKHealth Question & Answer

the truth is that if you want to quit, you'll do so and not turn back.. You'll have to deal with the torture, but you'll find other routes than smoking.. However, it seems many people quit because others want them to, so it becomes very difficult for them to just let it go..

It's no different than giving up driving.. You could...... but...... what's the point.? Afraid you'll eventually die in an accident.? Health Question & Answer

there are pills you can have prescribed now..
if you use cigarettes as a way to cope with stress you should make a new stress outlet before you try to quit.. Exercise is a good relief..Health Question & Answer

firts the all great desicion you can do it it maybe hard but will be the best decision for u and your family.. chew gum and keep your self busy.. hang out more in places where smoking is prohibited!! good luckHealth Question & Answer

ask yourself why it is you want to quit smoking and repeat your answer out loud daily until you quit

my kid made me want to quitHealth Question & Answer

Try chocolates or something sweet.. Make sure you like it..Health Question & Answer

Going cold turkey..Health Question & Answer

pray on it...... then take up a hobby to get ur mind off of itHealth Question & Answer

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