What's helped you chronic pain sufferers in back pain?!

Question: What's helped you chronic pain sufferers in back pain.?
i'm on heavy narcotics and i think it might be time to up them again since i have some "breakthrough" which is now "constant".. Im on 50mcg of duragesic, 7..5 hydrocodone x3, 10mg cyclobenzaprine x2, and a compounded cream of ketamine/cyclobenzaprine/ketoprofen which is a lifesaver a few times a day (but i only get a little)..

I've had addiction problems before and i'm hesitant to up the dose, but the pain is now so bad it's impacting every aspect of my life.. The pain stems from stenosis + scar tissue + degenerative disk disease.. Im in the process of losing weight but there is only so much exercise i can do.. Im desperately looking for measures that can help me that dont involve surgery of any kind - i've already been cut on twice and i dont want mroe time off work, more scars, more recovery time or more crushed hope..

I'm considering accupuncture, meditation, that ketamine treatment that is suppoesd to help reset the pain center of the brain someone told me about, epidural steroids, facet joint injections, nerve blocks - anything at all i can do.. If anyone has any suggestions PLEASE let me know - this is ruining my life..
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I've had two back surgeries, which were not 100% successful by any stretch.. In addition to pain/muscle meds 3-4 times a day, I find that adding plain epsom salts to a hot bath helps.. A product called Baththerapy is great too.. The body absorbs magnesium from the salts in the water, which eases the muscle pain.. In addition I have to take a liquid potassium supplement for different condition, but potassium levels affect muscle pain.. The tight muscles can squeeze the nerves, which in turn aggrevate nerve pain..I put a good foam topper on the bed and bought Tony Little's pillows, both which have made a huge difference.. I can at least sleep 5-6 hours without waking up numb, tingling and in pain.. It's been a few years now, so I try to distract myself, and live as normally as possible (my entire lifestyle has been affected, am now considered disabled), get some form of exercise even though I know full well it will hurt (hey it already hurts, so wtf), and cry sometimes.. I don't play with meds, and the body will only metabolize so much anyway, so more does not always work, and of course can be dangerous.. Norco, Tramadol and Robaxin have worked well for me, whereas I found percocet, morphine and duragesic patches are not as effective for me.. Sometimes I add plain asprin if I feel inflammation.. I wish you well..Health Question & Answer

listen to me i had the worst back pain and i got help from a friend i know this might sound wierd but just sleep on the floor with a pillow and blanket the floor makes your back straight and what also was nice when i bought a one inch memory foam matHealth Question & Answer

my husband is taking celebrex for his back pain..the doctor told him to take that instead of ibprofen..he'll be going to the doctor soon for cortizone shots also............Health Question & Answer

go to rehab and do yoga Health Question & Answer

Having seized up a few times from running marathon life style to not moving without pain hardly making it to a chiro.. I was give an exercises that certainly relieved and did the most wonderful corrective measure I could ever have done..

Get a mat on the floor.. Get on your knees and hands at the front on the floor.. Now stretch up and down.. Work your back slowly cautiously like an 'inch worm" slowly going into the up stretch and then rounding it at much as you can upwards and then slowly letting it down into the 'U' shape.. Just a few at a time, then a few more.. I was doing it regularly until I had no more problems.. You can also do it on your bed if you prefer..

It might not be perfect for everyone but it sure helped and helps me whenever I need to work our back aching muscles and also helps your neck..
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My husband had stenosis and went the surgery route, but an accident
later he was back in pain.. They implanted a morphine pump in him.. He would go in to see a Dr.. who adjusted and refilled the dosage..
I also, had an automobile accident 10 yrs.. ago and have been in back pain ever since.. I was on various medications and a couple I thought really helped was taken off market.. I got a steroid injection and that helped for a short time.. I finally had to go off medication for my back after I developed bleeding ulcers.. Now I have developed arthritis and can't walk well or do much.. Thank the Lord I can still do some things as I could have been killed or paralyzed.. My heart goes out to you..Health Question & Answer

I definitely think the alternative treatments and or injections are worth a try if you've never done them.. Have you let your doctor know how much breakthrough pain your having.? He may need to change your breakthrough medication to something that lasts a little longer or just change your medication around some.. I know you said you don't want to take medication that much, but you really have to think about your quality of life and what helps you function throughout the day.. I wish you the best of luck and hope you find something that helps!Health Question & Answer

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