What causes someone to pee in the bed constantly?!

Question: What causes someone to pee in the bed constantly.?
What causes a person to pee in the bed constantly.? Is it a fear of something.? Is it the way the person was raised, afraid to go to the bathroom.? Or what is it.? That sets apart in a person's mind that they can go to the bathroom in the bed rather than knowing in their mind that they shouldn't or can't.?Health Question & Answer

Bedwetting or Urinary incontinence can result from anatomic, physiologic, or pathologic (disease) factors.. Congenital and acquired disorders of muscle innervation (e..g.., ALS, spina bifida, multiple sclerosis) eventually cause inadequate urinary storage or control..

Acute and temporary incontinence are commonly caused by the following:

Limited mobility
Medication side effect
Urinary tract infection

Chronic incontinence is commonly caused by these factors:

Birth defects
Bladder muscle weakness
Blocked urethra (due to benign prostate hyperplasia, tumor, etc..)
Brain or spinal cord injury
Nerve disorders
Pelvic floor muscle weakness
Vaginal prolapse

The primary characteristics of these types are as follows:


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