Is it sprained or what?!

Question: Is it sprained or what.?
So i was walking at the store with my mom when all of a sudden my foot got into ALOT of pain!(couldnt put any weight on it) and i mean i was limping all the way to the car.. Once we got into the car i told my mom that i couldnt stand the pressure on my foot and that i couldnt drive so she drove.. I got here and she rubbed it for like 5 mins and put ice on it for 20 mins.. The pain in my foot has lightened up but my calf is hurting and part of the ankle is now swollen, Did I sprain my foot by just walking.? it is a nerve.?.?

What could it be.?.?Health Question & Answer

It doesn't sound like a sprain, that usually occurs when your foot bends sideways.. But with the swelling of you ankle says that you definitely injured something.. Could be a nerve but don't know.. Continue with the ice during the first twenty four hours, twenty minutes on, twenty off.. Stay completely off the foot and keep it elevated.. Resting it right now is the best.. If you must walk, put on some kind of ankle support, like wrap it with an ace bandage.. After twenty four hours the swelling of the ankle is still there or worse, elevate it and have your Mom apply some moist heat.. Take a towel, soak it with hot water, ring it out, apply it around the ankle.. Have a second towel handy to quickly replace the first one when it cools.. Do this until the skin begins to turn slightly red.. This procedure needs to be done two to three times a day.. If any pain, have your Mom massage the ankle and at the same time, apply some Asper-Creme Cream, if not allergic to aspirin.. also a 400 Mg Motrin or Ibuprofen will help with the swelling and pain, again, if not allergic to aspirin.. Best to you young lady, hope all is well really soon.. Health Question & Answer

If it was random pain, it could be a damaged nerve or a pulled tendon.. I suggest going to the ER and getting it checked out.. If you keep putting pressure on it it could become worse.. They'll either take an xray and/or an MRI and see what's going on with your ankle.. They can answer any questions you may have and teach you how to treat it.. In the meantime, try the RICE method: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.. It will help with sprains.. If that doesn't work, you should see a doctor.." rel="nofollow"> Question & Answer

either something hit a nerve or its a mild sprain.. give a few day to restHealth Question & Answer

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