Foot problems....................!

Question: Foot problems..................................................
My heel of my foot has been hurting, not too long ago I bought new shoes.. And ever since then my foot started hurting.... Is it my shoe.? or something else.? Any ways to make it better.?Health Question & Answer

It sounds like plantars fascitis.. You probably have some bone spur on your heel, but that's most likely not what's causing you the pain.. I have it, and it started with the heel of my foot hurting.. I went to my doctor and there's a couple things you can do, here's what she told me, and they've helped..
1.. Soak your feet twice a day in an ice bath for a few minutes, or just get a cold soda can and run it under your foot back and forth..
2.. Do some stretches.. Stand about a foot from a wall and put one foot slightly behind the other.. Lean toward the wall supporting yourself with your hands.. Come up on your back toe with your back heel lifted slightly, then press gently downward till your heel is down on the ground.. Repeat a few times.. Another stretch: Right before you get up in the morning, lay on your back in bed and point your feet forward slowly then flex them back.. Do that about 10 times slowly, then quickly 10 times..
3.. Get some soft heel inserts for your shoes.. You can buy them pretty cheap at your local pharmacy or drug store.. I have a couple of pair..
4.. You may not be able to wear high heels for a good while.. Look for wedges or thick low heels like pumps if you absolutely need heels..
5.. Take an antiinflammatory medication such as asprin or advil (not tylenol) just prior to bedtime..
My doctor said most of the time this pain fades by treating your feet with these stretches and ice and medication, but it sometimes can take a year or so for it to go away completely.. Mine hasn't gone away yet, but the above measures help me a whole lot..
Health Question & Answer

What sort of shoes did you buy.? Do you spend a lot of time in shoes other than these.? Or I kept buying shoes and kept having heel pain but then started buying better quality shoes.. The pain improved but it was too late for a simple shoe change to fix the was time for a professional.. After a visit to a podiatrist, cortisone and custom shoe inserts I am finally on the mend but will have to have pricey shoes and inserts for a long long time..

If it is concentrated as heel pain it's probably plantar facitis.. Don't walk barefoot, stretch our your feet and wear either cross trainers or walking shoes often.. They make splints you can buy over the counter to wear and you can find them at many of the drug stores.. Health Question & Answer

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