I got a bruised lip. HOW DO I GET IT DOWN QUICKER?!

Question: I got a bruised lip.. HOW DO I GET IT DOWN QUICKER.?
Well, I was in band and I play percussion and I had to raise the stand to my level.. Turns out it wasn't screwed in all the way and it popped up and i pulled hard and it hit my lip.. Now my lip is purple and swollen.. it also hit my nose but the is no swelling..
now he res the thing..
i start school next week and i really don't want to go to school with a purple lip, believe it or not.. if you need pics of my lip please email me ilybree@yahoo..com and tell me..
i need things to help get the swelling down and color back to normal! please help asap..

yes i do have a small cut on the inside of my lip and i have tried ice and no change ..

thanks so muchHealth Question & Answer

You don't say when this happened, but ice would have been the best for it for the first twenty four hours.. If it's been longer than twenty four hours since you did this.. Try applying moist heat to the lip.. Soak a wash cloth with hot water, ring it out then apply to lip.. Bruising is blood buildup beneath the skin and your body will eventually soak it up, the heat will help that process along.. You might still try the ice along with the heat.. Twenty minutes on, twenty off.. Best of luck to you young lady.. That had to really hurt, and probably looks awful.. But hey, if people know what happened to you, they should understand..Health Question & Answer

Keep the ice on it.. The cut on the inside of your lip should heal in no time, just be careful not to get salt in it, that stings! You start school on monday or in a week.? If almost a week, your lip should be almost fine......shouldn't be that noticeable.. About the color, if it is still discolored, just put some lipstick or lipgloss on.. Hope it heals before school!Health Question & Answer

Put a spoon in the freezer then after it gets cold (I suggest about 5 hours in the freezer) Put it on your lip and leave it there.. Try not to bite to lip because it's swollen and it gets big and you might bite it causing it to swell more.. Relax and don't speak to much just try to get the blood flowing again.. Massage the area of the lip before and after you freeze it because it helps blood pass..Health Question & Answer

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