I'm having a HORRIBLE gallstone attack...it hurts so bad. Please Help!?!

Question: I'm having a HORRIBLE gallstone attack......it hurts so bad.. Please Help!.?
What can I do to help the pain.? I need to get some sleep before my daughter wakes up for the day.. It hurts so bad......their has to be something that can help a little) It feels like my chest is on fire-all the way through to my shoulder blades.. The right side is the worst.. It has already been 3 hours of this......Health Question & Answer

WOW, hon I feel you pain! If you are in the middle of a really bad attack you need to be seen immediately.. Since you didn't say whether you under a docs care for this, my advice is that you need to be seen by your doctor pronto.. I have been where you are with the gallstone attacks and I know they hurt worse than childbirth.. Honestly, the only relief is through pain meds.. Is there someone who can take you to the ER or urgent care.? Can you get someone to stay with your daughter.? You need the type of treatment that you can't get from simple answers over the internet.. Go take care of yourself and I hope you find relief from your pain quickly! Good luck!

EDIT: OMG, whatever you do, do NOT drink the coke as someone suggested here.. That will make it hurt ten times worse.. You need medical intervention b/c it can be dangerous to fool around with alternative preparations and placebos.. You can actually harm your organs with some at home treatments.. Please just be careful whatever you do!Health Question & Answer

that doesn't sound like a gallstone attack.. i had gallstone pancreatitis.. which means i had a gallstone lodged in the opening of my pancreas.. it was so bad at the end that i when i had my last attack it dropped me to the ground.. i had to crawl to the neighbors cos i didn't have a phone at the time and then after i called 911, rather than giving them my neighbor's address i gave them mine so i had to crawl back home.. when i got to the hospital they said if i wouldn't have called 911 when i did i would've died.. anyway, when i would have an attack i would have immense pain in my lower abdomen on the right side but never in my chest and shoulders, not even when it was at it's worst.. the gallbladder is on the right side though which would explain the pain being the worst on that side.. i would suggest something like Zantac to relieve the pain.. that's what i used and it worked in like 15 minutes.. mine was a stronger dosage because it was prescribed by my doctor so if u get the over the counter kind i would suggest doubling the dosage if it's that bad.. i would also recommend taking the normal dosage every day even if u aren't having an attack and avoid spicy foods as much as possible.. i ended up in the hospital for a week including a night in the ICU.. i would also recommend getting ur gallbladder removed as soon as possible..don't wait till the last minute like i did.. good luck!Health Question & Answer

My friend swears that when her husband would get them, drink a full 6 pack of cokes straight down.. Yes, that's right.. 6 of them.. Of course, hopefully you aren't diabetic.. Good luck.. Health Question & Answer

The gallbladder is a small pear-shaped organ that sits on the right side of our bodies just beneath the liver.. Its primary function is to store and secrete bile.. Bile is a yellow-brown fluid produced by the liver, which helps us digest fats.. Our liver produces up to three cups of bile a day.. Our gallbladder can store up to a cup of bile as it awaits a fatty meal..

When we eat, our gallbladder contracts and pushes bile into the small intestines where it helps with the digestion of fats.. Bile is made up of water, cholesterol, fats, bile salts, proteins and bilirubin.. Under certain conditions, substances in the bile, especially the cholesterol or bile pigment (bilirubin) can harden into stones

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