How do I reduce the swelling of my son's mosquito bites?!

Question: How do I reduce the swelling of my son's mosquito bites.?
We went to a BBQ this weekend and even though we all had on insect repellent, he got bit so much.. The area around his ankles is the worst but he has a few on his arms, one on his eyelid and a few on his forehead and scalp.. I've been putting hydrocortisone cream on them but he still tries to scratch and I want to avoid having them get any worse than what they are..

Does anyone know of something I can put on them or something he can take so they can start going away.? I am planning on taking him to the doctor but I cant get there until Tuesday and want to know if I can put anything on them in the meantime..

Does anyone know how long they take to go away.? His 2nd birthday is this Friday and I want him to feel better before then :(Health Question & Answer

Calamine lotion, vinegar, and meat tenderizer (yea, it actually works; but is best for jelly fish stings) are good ways to control the itching more naturally..

Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) creme (not pills) and/or hydrocortisone creme will also help reduce the bites, but should not be used lightly; and if used, only a very small amount is advisable.. Typically, I would mix the diphenhydramine and hydrocortisone (or buy a mixed formulation), and apply with a cotton-swab only on the bites that were the most problematic..

Given his birthday is almost a week away, however, these should be cleared by then.. The bites are really only small little "allergic" reactions to the chemical mosquito's inject to help them feed.. The body's reaction to these bites, an "immune system" or allergic reaction, typically only lasts a couple of days..

He will most likely be feeling better by Friday even without any medications..

Happy Birthday!!Health Question & Answer

I have 4 girls and 2 of them have an allergy to mosquito's and it causes the bites to swell up as big as quarters, What I do to help them go away faster is use witch hazel, you can find at any drug, or grocery store next to the rubbing alcohol, and peroxide.. And for the itching Benadryl has spray, and it works wonders! I even use it on myself for bites..

Good Luck,
And I hope your lil man feels better! Health Question & Answer

Try the Chamomile lotion or vinegar.. It helps a lot..Health Question & Answer

Well this really hurts so im not sure if you want to do it, but if you have nails then puncture the mosquito bites with an x shape and it'll make him stop itching......
Hope that i helped!Health Question & Answer

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