Why is it when peopl ebreak there arm/ankle or any other bone on youtube, they don't scream?!

Question: Why is it when peopl ebreak there arm/ankle or any other bone on youtube, they don't scream.?
I mean, I seen some real rough **** on youtube.. But when they break there arm they just say (look dude, I've broke my arm)

I mean wtf!!!

Arn't you supose to be in shock or something.?Health Question & Answer

These fractures get more painful later on, when there's been plenty of time for lots of soft tissue swelling to develop.. also, if part of the fracture line borders on a joint space (for example, if you were to break one of your leg bones, the tibia, and the fracture line extended into the knee joint), fat and blood from inside the bone can leak into the joint and irritate it more..

(This is called a lipohemarthrosis, if you want to get fancy..)

Plus, later on, there's plenty of time to think, and get apprehensive, anxious, etc.., which lowers your pain threshold substantially..

So if you have those processes going on, and the fracture isn't splinted, you can see how it could actually be worse later on than it is immediately after the injury..

Plus, you're right about the shock.. I bet they have plenty of endorphins and adrenaline running!Health Question & Answer

A lot of them fake it...... I didn't scream when I broke my arm...... I've broken it three times.. I just kinda sat there and tried to figure out what the hell happened..Health Question & Answer

maby cos they ain't really broke it they might be just saying that to make them look hardHealth Question & Answer

When I broke my ankle in three places, I didn't know I had done it at first.. I tried to get up..Health Question & Answer

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