Alot of pain behind leg?!

Question: Alot of pain behind leg.?
For the past couple days there has been pain behind my leg, right at where my leg bends.. On a scale of 1-10 during the day its usually a 5/6 but at night it gets up to a 8/9 sometimes even 10 to the point were I cant sleep.. Is pain behind the leg normal.? By the way Im 18 if age plays a role in this..Health Question & Answer

Traditionally, whenever I've had pain like this, it has been from having something out in the Lumbar region of your back..

When a disc presses against the spinal cord in this region, it has the effect to make shooting pains down one side of your legs.. It epically will flare up when you cough..

Try seeing an MD about this.. Exercises that are prescribed by them will usually clear it up if he finds nothing extremely bad..


Now as far as age, I have a history of having this happen since I was 19.. While it may be unusual, its not unheard of..Health Question & Answer

Please be careful.. Sorry, i don't know if you are male or female, but if you are female, and you are on birth control pills, please take in to consideration that a severe side effect can be a Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) which can possibly move up through the body, to the heart or lung.. Calf pain and especially pain in the leg can be a warning sign of a blood clot.. You do not have to be on birth control to get a blood clot so Please seek medical attention immediately.. Health Question & Answer

It can be ACL injury (anterior cruciate ligament), you might need to see a doctor..

There's a natural cream named

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