Did I burst a vein in my thumb?!

Question: Did I burst a vein in my thumb.?
Today at volleyball practice I noticed that my thumb was hurting a lot, especially when I hit the ball.. I looked at it and there was a big, fat, blue vein protruding from my...... is it a lower knuckle.? Well it's where most people would crack their thumb knuckle, the lowest part that bends from the hand..

I moved it around, and from side to side it didn't hurt but when i bent it into my hand (as if to make a 4 with my fingers) it hurt a fair amount, and when I touched the site of it, it was extremely tender.. I went to the sports doctor and he gave me some ice which made the swelling go down, but it still hurts whenever I touch it at all or move it too much.. Apparently typing doesn't hurt though..

What it looks like:
There is a darkish purplish line thing on the side of the part that is circled:

Does anyone know what I did.? I didn't get an answer from the sports doctor, so that's why I'm asking here..Health Question & Answer

your sports doctor should have tell you what was going on, i had the same problem when i used to play volleyball, my thumb actually bend right back, it hurts a bit but then it just gradually went away, there should be a vein, i think that's why you are seeing the vein now, but you need to take care of it though.. (your question just took me back almost 2 decades) ..Health Question & Answer

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