VERY sore tailbone? what should i do?!

Question: VERY sore tailbone.? what should i do.?
i rode the mantis at cedar point on vacation and you stand on it and i think it agitated my tailbone because i can barely sit comfortably and if i move an inch to stand up it kills so badly.. while i was at my practice i fell multiple times because the pain was too much and it hurts to stand, move, sit, everything just hurts and its embarrassing because its my tailbone!

any idea how long this will last.? medicine does nothing for me.. pain relievers don't work for some weird reason.. i took 3 an hour ago and nothing yet.. still hurts.. itss been like this for over a week.. anything i could do to make it stop or at least calm down a bit.? Health Question & Answer

You may have a hairline fracture to the coccyx bone (Tail Bone), and there is nothing they can do to fix it, it will heal on it's own over time.. I had that and it took about three months or so before it was completely free of pain.. In the meantime you can use some moist heat, and you'll probably need help with this by say your Mom or a close girlfriend.. Lay on your stomach in bed.. Have whoever is helping take a towel and soak it with hot water, ring it out and then lay it across the tailbone area.. Do this until the the skin begins to turn slightly red.. Have a second towel handy to quickly replace the first one when it cools down.. After wards, have them massage the lower back and rub in some Aspercream, if not allergic to aspirin.. also if not allergic to aspirin, take a 4 or 600 Mg Ibuprofen.. For sitting, you can buy what they call a donut ring at the Pharmacy or a place like Walmarts, that has a hole in it.. Looks just like a small donut.. That will keep you tailbone away from any hard surfaces like a kitchen unpadded chair or even padded.. I wish for you the very best young lady, back pain is one of the worse pains you can have.. Good luck..Health Question & Answer

it's just sore.. That happened to me when I did gymnastics and crashed on the unpadded areas.. You can try icing it or using the spray-on pain reliever.. It went away in less than two weeks for me.. GL!Health Question & Answer

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