How can I sleep? ?!

Question: How can I sleep.? .?
I try to sleep but I really can't..
also I'm going to start school on the 25th of August.. I get in at 7:50am..
I close my eyes, but I'm still thinking about stuff in my head..
also I'm not that comfortable in my bed..Health Question & Answer

I feel your pain, man, I'm exactly the same.. And the longer I'm awake for the more I worry that I'll never get to sleep and be knackered in the morning which makes me stay awake even longer, worrying..
Firstly, reading your name, taking a wild guess but maybe lay off the tea after a certain time.?! I used to drink LOTS, then I changed to herbal- green and white, no caffeine- and it does actually help a bit..
I find that in bed I just go over and over things in my head.. If I'm worried or panicked about anything, I sprinkle a few drops of lavender essense on my pillow- know you can get this in a spray from Boots or somewhere- kind of nice and soothing, take deep breaths and it helps..
When this doesn't work I make myself block everything out of my mind by just picturing blackness and focusing on that blackness which helps me relax.. I've tried focusing on my breathing but them I seem to get short of breath like I'm trying to work out how to breathe.. Bit of a weirdo really but the blackness thing always helps by blocking everything out and it helps me calm down..
Doesn't work all the time though and sometimes I just have to have a nap in the day which I actually love.. But I'm a student, I have time :)Health Question & Answer

If you can afford a new bed buy a comfortable one or perhaps try sleeping on the floor as you may like a firm surface..
If you are old enough and live in the UK you can buy a product called Nightol which will help give you a good night's sleep..

When you lay down to try to sleep, close out those thoughts by just concentrating on your breathing.. Concentrate on how the air moves through your nasal cavity do no think of anything else just listen to the sound of your breathing this should help you fall into a sound sleep.. During the day take periods of time to still your mind (just two minutes here and there) be quiet in the head concentrate on just one thing either something in your view or again your breathing.. Learn to still the stuff going on in your head..Health Question & Answer

You need to make sure you make you're sleeping place is restful and relaxing.. Unwind and relax before you sleep.. Just take some time to slow down..
Any thoughts write them down before you sleep, deal with them later..

Hope this helps..Health Question & Answer

thats cos your eaten fish and chips all the time..the fish is putting a inbalance of cod into your blood system therefore causing destromitc atomimic downfalls of eastrogin, i suggest your find a new bed plonkerHealth Question & Answer

how can u sleep/ i'm gonna say close your eyes and fall asleep, or u can take lunesta, it works super well.. Get a tempurpedic bed, u can always sleep in one of those..Health Question & Answer

do verry heavy exercise ,dont eat much on supper, use a suitable pillow to u , use a boster
Health Question & Answer

Valerian is the best and most natural of remedies..It can be found in all good health food shops..Health Question & Answer

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