What's the difference???!

Question: What's the difference.?.?.?
Ok, what is the difference between passing out, falling asleep, and blacking out.? I hear them used a lot, and never really understood what made them different..Health Question & Answer

falling asleep is when you go to sleep willingly, i guess..

according to dictionary..com and an article on Web MD, blacking out, or a "blackout" is a temporary loss of consciousness or vision: "She suffered a blackout from the blow on the head.."
and "a period of total memory loss, as one induced by an accident or prolonged alcoholic drinking: "The patient cannot account for the bizarre things he did during his blackout.. " basically, when you lose time..

passing out is fainting.. "Fainting is a sudden, brief loss of consciousness.. When people faint, or pass out, they usually fall down.. After they are lying down, most people will recover quickly.."-- Web MD..

passing out is what my doctor says i do and you can tell when it's coming.. like everything turns yellow and gets quiet then everything dims to black then you wake up on the floor.. i don't think you can tell when you're blacking out.. it's like flipping off a switch.. but sleeping and passing out are things you can feel happening..

hope that helped!Health Question & Answer

i never actually knew this myself too..
so here it goes.. .. ..

passing out and blacking out could be when you faint.. falling asllep can be led by being tired so ending up sleeping or for medical reasons given by doctors only..
you can also get black out when it all goes black when you get up quickly and get dizzy..

yea well i tried! ............................................................RIGHT.?

Health Question & Answer

Passing out and blacking our are basically the same.. You may pass out from being whacked in the head, or getting too drunk, and you basically fall asleep, and everything goes black..

Falling sleep still means going to sleep..
Thats all I basically know.. (:Health Question & Answer

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