After surgery pain - NORMAL OR NOT?!

Question: After surgery pain - NORMAL OR NOT.?
I had emergency surgery on Wednesday afternoon.. At one time I had three IVs in my left arm - but they only used 1.. I was also poked with a needle to take blood samples numerous times.. My right arm got it too but not as bad as my left arm.. When I was released from the hospital on Thursday I felt beat up of course (kind of like being in a car accident is how I put it).. My left arm has deep bruising and I am in pain because of it.. I have one area on my left arm that is swollen, red and sorta hot to the touch.. Is this normal from all the trauma to the arm.? When I touch this red area it hurts!

Normal given the circumstances.?


PS - I don't feel any pain to the area they operated on (my uterus)..........just on the place they poked me so many times..Health Question & Answer

A probablem that sometimes happens with IVs is Phlebitis.. Phlebitis is the irritation of the vein that is not caused by infection....It's just caused by the prescense of a foreign body in your vein or it can be caused my medications or fluids that were given through the vein.. Signs and symptoms are redness, pain, & swelling.. You can take an anti-inflammatory like Ibuprophen for the pain and swelling.. You can put a warm compress on it as well.. It should go away on its own though.. If it gets any worse in a few days, you can see a doctor.. It's unlikely, but it could be infected..Health Question & Answer

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