My back HURTS like hell?!

Question: My back HURTS like hell.?
today/yesterday i was pillow fighting my pillow then i accidentally dropped my pillow on the floor so i went to pick it up and i heard a pop in my back.. my back hurt so bad that when i stood strait up my vision got blurry.. then again i DID sleep on the couch but it hurts like in my rubs but on my back.?on my left side.. what's the problem.? (it hurts to move in some directions..) Health Question & Answer

I had one of my ribs pop out about 6 months ago, and I could barely move.. I had to stay home from school the pain was so bad.. So I laid down and had somebody press on my back and I heard a big pop and after a day or two of muscle soreness I felt great.. If nobody can crack your back for you then try to go to a chiropractor..


Another thing you can try is laying down on the floor on your right side, lifting your left knee to your waist while keeping your right one straight, and turning your shoulders left to try and straighten them out.. Do the same on your left side.. The chiropractor told my mom to do that when she had back pains..Health Question & Answer

Hmm........i dont know what the problem is but it could be serious.. when has the problem started.? if it was for only a day then it may wear off soon.. but if the pain lasted for a long time, then you should go see a doctor..

hope you get better.. =]

(PS.. if its not serious and the pain is still unbearable, you can always get a massage.. that always helps ^^)Health Question & Answer

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