Fleet enema question?!

Question: Fleet enema question.?
Before a medical procedure Tuesday afternoon, I was told to use a fleet enema in the morning.. I'll be fasting all day Monday and all day Tuesday (until my procedure is over)..

I've never used an enema before.. What's it like.? I mean, will I just have to poop once or twice or will I have to lock myself in the bathroom for hours.?Health Question & Answer

It's best to use the whole bottle in my experience..
You shouldn't need to stay on-or-near the toilet for more than 90 minutes at worst.. But definitely expect "repeat performances" - it doesn't all come out in one or two loads!Health Question & Answer

It's a shame that the nurse nor the doctor educated you on this.. The fleet enema is a small volume enema.. you should place the bottle in warm water (do not microwave) and allow it to sit so the fluid can warm some.. An enema is more comfortable if it is warmed, as cooler ones tend to make one have belly cramps.. Lie on your left side and insert the small plastic tube in the rectum.. you can use lubricant and it will make it more comfortable.. There is some discomfort as when you squeeze the bottle, it will make you feel like you have to poop.. Hold it in for a couple of minutes if possilbe and then poop.. You should pass the fluid as well.. Make sure you are close to the bathroom as some cannot wait.. And make sure you squeeze all of the fluid in to ensure maximum emptying Health Question & Answer

They come in squeeze bottles with lubricated tips.. Follow the directions and lie on your side when you are doing it.. You are supposed to wait until you feel a lot of cramping.. When you do, just get up and use the bathroom..

You usually get most of it out the first time, but I'd stay near to a bathroom just in case.. You don't have to use the whole bottle, just most of it.. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

The enema comes in a bottle with a tube on it.. You insert the tube in your rectum, and then squeeze the liquid into you.. The liquid does sting a little
You may have a bowel movement once or several times.. It depends on the amount of fecal material in you..Health Question & Answer

I agree with su___
After the initial release of fluid, expect one or two additional trips to the toilet over the next hour or so.. It may feel like you only have gas, but additional "material" will come out.. Make sure you are on the toilet for this, and not walking around at the mall !Health Question & Answer

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