Why does pain hurt so bad?!

Question: Why does pain hurt so bad.?
The same reason water is wet..Health Question & Answer

Pain is our body's way of letting us know that there's a problem.. If we didn't feel pain, we wouldn't be pressed to seek help when we need it.. Our broken limbs would go untreated and become worse, we would eat until we popped, etc..

Plus, different people have different sensitivities and thresholds for pain, so pain hurts worse for some people than others.. Health Question & Answer

The more it hurts, the stronger your body is telling you "don't touch that" or "go to the doctor".. If pain didn't hurt bad enough, we would all scratch ourselves until we bleed or hurt ourselves worse my trying to use a broken arm.... etc.. Pain is good in that respect..Health Question & Answer

pain is good.. how else would you know that your appendix is about to explode..Health Question & Answer

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