Who else is fed up with doctors?!

Question: Who else is fed up with doctors.?
My husband has been disabled since Jan.. 2001 with a disorder that has yet been diagnosed and effectively treated.. He currently has 6 specialists, and has seen approximately 60 different doctors over the past 7 1/2 years.. In 2002 the local doctors sent him to the Mayo Clinic where over the period of a week they performed numerous tests and still could not provide a diagnosis.. So, in essence they have prescribed many medications to treat the symptoms, which have included prednisone, many antibiotics and various degrees of pain medication.. At this time, he takes pain medication, spiriva, blood pressure medication and prilosec.. This is the least amount of meds he has taken in years because he got so fed up a few months ago he just stopped taking the rest..

All the medications of course take their own toll, and he has undergone two neck surgeries in two years for the ill effects of massive amounts of steroids.. The neurosurgeon commented after the last surgery that he found advanced arthritis in my husbands shoulders.. So, my husband has been seeing an orthopedic specialist for this new problem..

Here's the rub: this new specialist sees 80 patients a day.. He is like the clinic's golden boy.. He is supposedly a very good doctor, but I find it very hard to believe that he can effectively treat ANY of his patients in just 6 minutes, which is what 80 patients a day averages out to be.. Last month, this doctor became very angry at my husband, basically accusing him of "faking", badgering him with questions and not allowing my husband to answer before firing another one at him.. My husband's medical file is very large, the doctor told us that he didn't have time to read it and told us to prepare a synopsis of my husband's medical condition, a history with dates of all problems, and medications prescribed to treat those problems.. We were stunned, bewildered and really didn't have time to react since our 6 minutes were up..

My husband must return to this doctor today for his followup -- and I have figured out that those precious 6 minutes cost us $13..33 per hour based on what he gets from insurance and our co-pay.. We don't have a synopsis prepared, and may just ask for a referral to another doctor if he feels that my husband is not worth more of his most precious time..

And then we would have to start ALL over with a new doctor.. Oh boy.. We are FED UP with doctors.. Anybody else in the same position out there.? Who else is fed up with doctors.?Health Question & Answer

I am too.. I have a story like that, but what you should do is prepare the Synopsis, make copies and hand it to each new doctor, nurse, etc.. who asks for one.. Keep detailed notes of who you spoke with and when, all his paper work too.. They must give you all of that.. My doctor mistakenly mailed my CT Scan results to MY HOUSE and I found out I have a bunch of problems that he was not telling me about! Including Kidney damage, ovarian cysts, and protein in my urine..

Keep searching for that one doctor who will take the time to SHUT UP and LISTEN.. Only then can he determine what is going on..Health Question & Answer

But of course doctors suck.. This is very surprising it took you so long to realize this.. I am going to dispense this advise: THE DOCTOR WORKS FOR FOR YOU.. If you do not like him or the way he treats you or your husband fire him.. I did this and the next doctor my not have been the 'golden boy' but he had the time and excitement to figure out what I had.. It took about a month.. Think about it.. Health Question & Answer

i am fed up too, they dont seem to take the time to find the proper diagnosis, i never see my GP, the only doctor i truely trust, when i had appendicitis they mis diagnosed it a handful of times, until eventually my appendix burst, they told me i didnt have a bladder infection, which i found out i did when i got a kidney infection, and i currently have a knee problem that isnt being diagnosed as anything just "adaption" to the increase of exercise i am doing, the doctor doesnt seem to understand that this increase is causing more pain, i am lucky i live in the UK otherwise my parents would have to pay loads
i hope your husband finds out whats wrongHealth Question & Answer

I know how you feel i have been the same way since i was 13 and i am only 21 now.. I have an extensive history of abdominal and gastrointestinal problems including extreme pain, for some reason at the age of 13 (i had never take narcotics barely even took aspirin) had an extremely high tolerance for pain meds AND anesthesia (they had to give me another half of the regular dose) I was constantly accused of making my pain up but then i would ask them to explain the gallstones and the many complications i had with them the pancreatitis that very nearly killed me, the infection in my intestines etc.. They would tell me that i just got lucky! I was like WTF.. All i could do was cry cause it seemed like no one wanted to treat me.. I had to go to urgent care for my pain and my regular dr was out on vacation so i saw this other dr he gave me 3 ultram and told me he was being generous and that no other doctor wanted to see me.. I had never in my life felt so small.. So next time your husband goes to the doctor tell him who you want to see, that is what happened and now i am going back to johns hopkins for a surgery evaluation.. Good Luck, God Bless, I know it is hard now but it will get better in time.. Health Question & Answer

From the little you have stated about the symptoms, it would seem your Husband has Arthritis.. Now the problem is probably DDD degenerative disc disease and Osteoarthritis.. DDD is not a disease, but the discs between the vertebra dehydrate as we age.. We all go through this process, problem being some never have a single pain, while others are in extreme pain, why no one knows.. Unfortunately OA has no cure, what they term wear and tear, but probably due in part to the steroids.. So your husband now sees a orthopedic specialist for OA and the specialists knows their is no cure, so what can he do.? I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, gave up seeing a Rheumatologist, the specialist ten years ago, knowing their is no cure and the only person who can deal with the RA is me.. I am afraid that for some health problems their is no cure and all they can offer is palliative care.. Best of LuckHealth Question & Answer

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