Why do i get facial odema?!

Question: Why do i get facial odema.?
I keep getting facial odema and the only way to keep it in check is to take antihistamine pills..
There is a allergy somewhere that bothers me but have tried everything,doctors don`t know..
My lips can become huge , or my eye lids will swell up!
And if i have to keep taking the pills , is there a log term effect.?Health Question & Answer

Interesting spelling of edema.. England.? Canada.?

You should keep a record of what you are being exposed to/what you are doing when this occurs.. Obviously we are looking for correlations..

Did your Doctors send you to allergy specialists.? Lots of skin tests.?

In her later years my mother started getting this and they were never quite able to figure out exactly why.. By tracking what she was doing we determined that direct exposure to sunlight caused the swelling to occur more often.. She started using sunscreen on her face and wearing wide brimmed hats to keep the sun off of her.. This seemed to help but not always..

Switching out personal products to avoid all the chemicals helped too.. She ended up going to Health Stores and using their lotions, detergents and soaps, etc.. It's amazing how many chemicals and petroleum products are used in everyday lotions, deodorants, washing detergent, fabric softeners.. Antihistamines were necessary and sometimes it was so bad she needed steroids to help control it..

Sorry I can't give you more help..Health Question & Answer

i can't help you i have no idea what that is.. sorry for a waste of an answerHealth Question & Answer

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