I think I may have broken my tailbone =(?!

Question: I think I may have broken my tailbone =(.?
I can't sit down at all.. I'm in excruciating pain as I'm writing this.. Basically, here's what happened.. I live in VA and we've had a drought because it's rained maybe 3 times all summer.. Thanks to TS Fay, we started getting rain yesterday.. I went to Walmart & slipped in the parking lot on my way in.. I didn't fall-- I just lost my footing.. Then on the way out, I slipped again in a different spot & caught myself, but basically every part of my body hurt.. My knees, ankles, back, etc.. My husband gave me a massage and I felt fine today.. Tonight, I was laying down and bent my legs a certain way and I got this excruciating pain in my (this is so embarrassing), upper butt crack region.. I don't know if it's related to the Walmart incident at all or what's going on.. Could it be a pulled muscle.? I can't stand up straight or bend over much.. I'm just kind of hunched.. I'm a senior in college and I really hate missing class.. I don't feel like waiting all night in a germy ER when my own bed would be more comfortable.. I thought about going to the doctor's office in the morning.. Could they tell then.? Do you think it could just be a pulled muscle.? How would I have broken my tailbone from just bending my legs a certain way.? What should I take for the pain.? I have some left over percocet from December 2007.. I also have ibuprophen & extra strength Tylenol..Health Question & Answer

I'm pretty sure you need to slam down on the tailbone to break it........slam HARD.. Then, from what I understand, it hurts to sit and you get a donut butt pillow..

You might have pulled a muscle or pinched a nerve, but without an impact I doubt it could be that serious.. Nothing some painkillers, heat/cold, and a chiropractor couldn't fix in a few days..Health Question & Answer

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