Anyone taking pain meds for chronic pain? (Warning long post/ question) serious answers only plz?!

Question: Anyone taking pain meds for chronic pain.? (Warning long post/ question) serious answers only plz.?
I had wondered why my medication (although I only take the strong one - the percocet for severe pain) never had refills on it.. Why is it that he can write refills on vicodin, but not percocet 5 mg.? Do you take a medication for chronic pain and if so how long have you been taking it.? I realize that some people have to be on them their entire life, but I don't want to be one of them.. I take percocet 5 mg as needed along with flexeril (again as needed), now getting ready to take topomax and paxil w.. diazepam for the anxiety as needed (anxiety due to my chronic illness).. I am sick of meds, but I can't tell the doctor that or he will get mad and think I don't take them like I am supposed to..

When the pain gets too severe I have to go to the ER in which is useless bc they only give you a shot (in which works) and send you home telling you to see your doctor.. I only wish they'd run tests or something to make sure it is not something else or do a little more than give a shot.. I mean is that not what they are there for.? I am sick of ER visits too.. I lay in bed not able to hardly move, crying my head off.. I wish they had some kind of medication they could give that would numb the insides so I wouldn't have to take pain killers.. They will not give me cortisone shots.. I wonder if it is because of the spinal damage and the other things that are wrong with me
Trust me, I understand where you are coming from.. I have several chronic pain issues..
Talk to your doc about trying out something stronger.. If he is not willing to prescribe stronger meds for you, then you need to find a chronic pain doc who will.. I know that finding such a doc may take some time, but it sounds like you need to be on oxycontin, fentanyl patches or dilaudid.. If you are spending that much time in the ER to get your pain controlled, then you haven't got what you need to take proper care of yourself.. If pain is under control, then your life improves, and your state of mind does as well..

Do you have the documentation of your ER visits.? As a patient you have the right to a copy of your chart.. Get copies(it might cost you for the coping fees, but it is well worth it) of all your visits, then make a spare set for your own records and take them to him on your next visit.. Tell him that your pain is out of control, that you are in so much pain you have to resort to going to the ER for medication, that you want to try something stronger and that you are open to suggestions(better not to show up and demand pain meds by name).. Let him start talking about what he thinks you need- or if he is willing to increase the strength of your pain meds.. Do point out that you are spending extra money just to be treated for pain, money that you need for other things in your life, as well as pointing out that waiting 9 hours for pain meds is an unreasonable amount of time to be in overwhelming pain before getting adaquate treatment..
I know you are not drug seeking.. I know that you take the meds so you can have some part of your life back, under your control, so you have an improved quality of life.. If he refuses to increase your pain meds, start talking to people in your area in various support groups- if they have a chronic pain one, wonderful.. Go there and ask for the names of some good docs who will prescribe for the proper meds.. If you need help looking for a group which may be able to help you try the Fibromyalgia sufferers, who will know who the good pain docs are..
Usually rheumatologists are a good bet.. If your guy is a rheumatologist who can't help you, find a new one..
Never feel obligated to stay with the same doc.. Interview your next doc with questions like;
What to you prescribe for your pain patients.?
Are you willing to do trial and error to get me the right level of pain medication to help me regain my life.?
What other types of therapies do you feel may help(always be open to other therapies which may help reduce your pain, no matter how strange you might think it is- it might work!)..

As to why the docs can't call in prescriptions for stronger narcotics- The FDA audits the prescriptions of stronger Schedule 2 drugs.. After a certain strength, docs can only write you for one month at a time.. If your doc is generous, and gives you several levels of pain killers to try, you will have to get them renewed every month..

I take percocet- that can be refilled without problems.. Anything stronger, like oxycodone or dilaudid or fentanyl patches can only come as a one time prescription.. It's the law.. It was enacted to keep the drug seekers from getting a ton or refills.. It also help your doctor keep tabs on how much of what medication you are using..

I hope your doc will be responsive.. The most important thing you must remember is that the docs aren't gods, they can be wrong in how they approach their treatment, and you have to be your own best advocate- tell you doc what you need.. That is what they are supposed to be there for.. If he treats you like and idiot, why pay him anymore money.?Health Question & Answer

If you are needing something "stronger", then your body has become resistant to the medication, which it sounds like you're aware of..

I don't know what your condition is, but ask if there's something that could be done, like epidural blocks or coritsone therapy that will help the pain without upping your medicine intake..Health Question & Answer

I suffer from scoliosis, congenital spinal stenosis and arthritis in my mid to lower back.. I take Skelaxin800mg, Motrin 800,(not at the same time), and Percocet 10/650.. The Percocet is for four times a day.. I know how you feel about having to get the stupid refills every month.. It has to do with the drug classification.. My grandmother takes Vicodin and she has refills on it.. The pharmacist you use could tell you why or your doc.. I also have to go in every 2-3 months for steroid injections.. They put me on a light anesthic and due the shots and I am out of the pain center in about 2-3 hours.. Someone has to drive you for the shots..
I recently asked my doctor to up my percocet just by a half a tab, and he was not happy, but he did it.. Its just that some days I might need two and some up to four..
Sorry this was so long and I am sorry about the pain you have to go through.. I do kinda know how you feel.. On my pain level from 1 being low to 10 high, my stays at around 8 or 9.. But there are those 10 days and I am no use to anyone.. I cannot remember if you said you were seeing a pain specialist.. He is the one that gives me the shots and my primary care doc prescribes the muscle relaxers and pain meds..
Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.. I am on a Yahoo group called Hugs-N-Pain and they are helping me a lot.. Take a look at the group and join and share your story or just lurk like I did in the beginning..
Hope you feel better soon..Health Question & Answer

Short and sweet.. You don't want major pain meds.? Perc 5's are weak and going to Oxycontins is going to make you into an addict, if you take methadone for pain, you will be on it the rest of your life, (And HARMD loves telling lies about this BEST pain-killer in the world);if you choose Fentanyl, you are choosing a drug 40 times stronger than heroin.. But people like HARMD think it is safer than methadone..I don't know what to tell you, you cannot live pain free 24/7.. Take all of the stuff in moderation and only as needed!!!!!!!!!!! I don't care what anyone says.. Once you feel full blown opiate dependence withdrawal, trust me you will wish you could just have your real pain.. again,you will be begging for it.. People in chronic pain must realize before dependence, you cannot live totally pain free, that is their and my demise..Damning the day you ever took anything stronger and everyday..

You would want to kill yourself, it is not that bad man.. Withdraw from this stuff is 50 times worse your real pain once totally depenadant and your little toe will hurt..Every muscle is going to hurt and every bone, every bone, you will be pouring ice and than hot sweat like a pig and have stomach cramps so bad you will wish you were dead.. And you will be laying in bed so sore withdrawing you won't even be able to get up and pee, you will be like a mummy in a straight jacket praying for death.. And when your gonna need more drugs, these medical people will consider you a drug seeker, they just don't get it, no one does unless they felt it..Health Question & Answer

As mentioned before, percocet 5 is nothing.. I know how you feel.. On my 10 days, I'm in the ER with two mils of Dilaudid every 3 hours, the most my doctor has ever seen.. I would ask for Percocet 10 for regular times and then maybe something stronger for breakthrough pain.. Sometimes the Dr.. doesn't want to do it, but you have to be persistent.. When I go to the ER I tell them right away that morphine isn't strong enough, I need Dilaudid.. Some of them look at me like I'm some kind of hardcore drug seeker, but once they check my file, they get it..Health Question & Answer

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