My 16 year old son has bad knees, is there anything we can do?!

Question: My 16 year old son has bad knees, is there anything we can do.?
He's been to the doctors and all they tell him is that he will have arthritis in his knees..
His knees turn painful without anything and he ends up taking motrin for 2 weeks..
But there has to be something we can do to prevent this.?
He's only 16!!!Health Question & Answer

if he was two years older i would be recomending that he smoke some weed, it has been proven to releave pain from arthritisHealth Question & Answer

Do they say has arthritis or will have it.? Haven't they explained why.? or could it be that they just don't know what is causing it yet.? If they don't know I'd ask to be referred to a Consultant..

Its your son growing quickly and does he do sports.?
When my brother was that age (and a little younger but he grew quickly and very tall) he got periods of extreme pain, sometimes in both knees.. If I remember correctly he got small lumps just below the knee caps.. He had Osgood-Schatters disease caused by stress on the bone when cartilage doesn't grow as fast as the bone during a growth spurt.. It took him a while to be diagnosed and he had a bad case.." rel="nofollow">

Obviously I don't know if that's what your son has, but could can decide if its a possibility..Health Question & Answer

I was told the same thing when I was about 14/15, mine was due to playing football nearly every Sunday morning since the age of 8.. Is your son tall for his age btw.? As part of my problem was that I was growing faster than my body could deal with so was getting growing pains because of it.. Sadly there is nothing which can be done for growing pains other than pain management.. You can always go for a second opinion from another doctor if you feel this might be of benefit.. Even if its not it won't hurt just to try..
For me personally I ended up being refered to a knee specialist and having an operation at the at of 17 where it turned out I had damaged cartilage in my knee which was causing my pain..
I did find deep heat rubs to help and using a knee support, also accupuncture was of great benefit to me with dealing with the pain..
I wish your son all the best and sypathise with the both of you..Health Question & Answer

Get a second, third or if need be a fourth opinion.. You need a better explanation then that..

If you haven't already, take him to a specialist.. There must be a better answer than arthritis.. Has anyone suggested some kind of therapy to ease the pain.?

If your son participates in sports of any kind, that could be the answer.. However, I still would get a second opinion.. If your son does play sports ask his coach..

MHealth Question & Answer

sometimes when you go to a physical therapist, they give ultra sound treatments that send heat into your knee to make it feel better......sometimes you can get a cortisone injection straight into the knee and then is you go to see a physical therapist, they have a simulator machine that may helpHealth Question & Answer

try a higher heel -anything where the back is higher than the front.. even a little foam will work.. my knees will hurt so bad i cant walk if i go without a heel.. my doc did xray with -then without a 1 inch heel n w/out my knees went in-with heels they wer straight..Health Question & Answer

does he exercise and you could try deep heat and you should go back the doctors and complain if they are just saying he is going to have arthritus because there job is to help you not to predict the future anyway hope my answer is usefull and good luckHealth Question & Answer

Suggest to the doctor that he might have rheumatoid arthritis and ask for a blood test..
They cannot palm him off with an answer like that..Health Question & Answer

You might want to include some fish oil (in summer time) and cod liver oil (winter time) in his diet to help his joints, as well as glucosamine!......

Don't abuse it!....Health Question & Answer

You paid for a Dr.., he should have answered your question with the correct answer.. I would say that exercises would stengthen his muscles and tendons.. If that can't help it would be surgery..Health Question & Answer

lots of cod liver oil is all i can recommend, it wont reverse it but will slow the process, i hope your son gets betterHealth Question & Answer

ask the doctor to put him on an anti inflammatoryHealth Question & Answer

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