Please what do I do?!

Question: Please what do I do.?
Please read and don't be like my friend and think it's to long, thank you

Ok, i'm going back to school in a 2 days.. I have been having panic attacks for a while now.. The only thing is I haven't had one in about a week or so.. I am afraid that I will have one in school or on the bus.. If I do, I mean i'll just sitting there cause our teachers just don't let us get up and go for anything.. When I have my panic attacks, I feel like I have to get up and go walking or something like that.. The same thing goes for on the bus, I mean she can't just stop the bus.. My mom says im fine and im going to scare myself before I even get there.. I feel like I need medication though and my mom says she doesn't want to give me any cause she has heard that some give kids suicidal thoughts, I told her that I already suicidal thoughts and she didn't say anything.. She just kinda shut up for a sec and looked at me.. I have a counselor and she gave me a breathing excersise.. It works a little.. I haven't really gotten anxious enough to try it.. I first started having panic attacks in Texas, my family was on a vacation.. I had a lot of coffee before the panic attack and my mom thinks the caffine in the coffee gave me the first panic attack.. She says the others I've had have just been because I've been left scared from the first.. Does anyone have any breathing methods or something I can use in class and on the bus If I get anxious.. I want something that actually works to..Health Question & Answer

I use to have panic attacks also and went to a psychologist.. His advice really helped.. 1st thing he told me to do was when the panic was starting to rise, invite it.. Get mad at it and tell it to come and get are ready for it.. It sort of loses its power.. The 2nd thing was to baby it like you are the mother, and tell it that you are here and you will protect it, and all will be fine.. Make sure to talk slow long deep breaths and take control and care of this "panic" like it is your own scared child.. Reassure yourself that all will be fine.. What ever you do not leave the situation when you feel you have to get out of there.. That was the hardest part is to stay in it, but it will pass and sooner when you do these thoughts.. It does take the intensity out of the panic, because your panic is from the fear itself.. Good luck to you.. Hope this helps.. Don't get discouraged, it does take some time and practice..Health Question & Answer

The red flag was when you said you have already had "suicidal thoughts" you definitely should be seeing a therapist who can help you with anxiety.. This is a real life issue and many people experience this.. A therapist will help you with developing methods in various situations in handling panic attacks.. You may need medication from a psychiatrist as well for the thoughts of suicide.. What you are describing will only get worst as time goes on get yourself some help and follow you instinct.. Caffeine is probably not a good idea right now: chocolate, tea, coffee, etc..Health Question & Answer

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