Sharp, severe, excruciating lower abdominal pain?!

Question: Sharp, severe, excruciating lower abdominal pain.?
I noticed some occasional, painful twinges in my lower abdomen this afternoon and ignored them.. That was at 1pm.. It's now 1am in the morning and I'm sitting up in bed in total agony! Frequent, sharp and shooting pains are whizzing around inside me and I don't know what's happening to my body.. Every time I move, it hurts.. Some times I can't feel anything and just when I think it's going away, a seriously sharp pain rips through my lower abdominal area.. I'm fourteen years old, not sexually active and I don't know what's happening.. I'm hoping that a kind nurse or professional doctor will help me with this.. I researched before and I think I may have a swelling ovarian cyst or my appendix is about to erupt.. Please, please help me..
Other symptoms include diarrhea, constipation, inner vaginal pain, slippery, strange-smelling discharge and sudden twinges in my tummy and abdomen..
Oh, and I'm too afraid and embarrassed to go to my doctor with this.. I've already been there twice this year with an eyelid infection, a horrible UTI and cystitis and I don't want them to think that I'm just inventing new illnesses for myself just to visit them for the attention.. I really don't want to irritate them..Health Question & Answer

Since you helped me out, I'll help you out.. =D

It's truly impossible for anyone to give you a definite answer on yahoo answers.. I have my Wilderness First Responder license as you might like to call it, and I would assume it's one of three things.. Your appendix could be about to rupture or maybe even ruptured.... It could be a swelling ovarian cyst or maybe possibly even a ruptured ovarian cyst.. Since you are a younger women, and ovarian cysts are more common in women in their child-bearing years, it's unlikely.. Plus you've only named one symptom (pain in the lower abdomen).. Other systems include breast tenderness, weight gain, and increase hair growth overall, just to name three.. Again, It could be a swelling/ruptured ovarian cyst, but I obviously cannot evaluate on yahoo answers..

The last thing I can immedietly think about is a fractured rip cage.. Is their pain when you breath.? Is their pain when you lay down and your chest shrinks down.? Is their pain to the touch.? Are the pains sudden or is it a consistent pain.? Or it is a consistent pain with sharper pains when you breath.? Does the pain almost feel like a volt of electricity shocking/charging through you.? These are all questions you have to ask yourself..

If it is any of these things, you're going to require proper medical care immedietly.. I understand you don't want to go to the doctors because it might seem like you are only seeking attention but you said the last two times, you did have something wrong with you.. If you're appendix did rupture, you need medical care.. If you do have a swelling/ruptured ovarian disk, you need medical care.. If you fractured your rib cage, YOU NEED MEDICAL CARE.. It's quite simple, really..

If I had to truly guess, I would assume it's a fractured rib cage or a ruptured appendix.. Both require immediate hospitilization and if left untreated can lead to lung erruption, paralyzation, permanent shortness of breath, clammy skin, and possibly even death..

So please, seek medical care as soon as possible..Health Question & Answer

You need to go to an emergency room right away.. If it is your appendix, it could rupture, and that is Very Bad.. Even if it isn't, you are suffering, and that needs to be treated.. Don't worry about what they think--they are there for these things.. If your doctor has given you a reason to feel that way--made snide comments or something--fire him and find a kinder one.. But do go to an emergency place right away!Health Question & Answer

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