How can i stop myself from throwing up?!

Question: How can i stop myself from throwing up.?
I've been trying to lose weight for about 5 years, i lost a stone in a month from really bashing the gym everyday and eating relatively healthy, i usually eat a nice takeaway once as a treat once a week but after i've ate i feel really like bleurgh/bloated and feel guilty that i'll gain weight so i throw up, yes i know it will damage teeth/esopaghous and can kill me, what can i do to help myself stop.? I know how bad it is so don't try that with me, and don't say tell parents, if they knew i was doing is they'd kill me..Health Question & Answer

The first thing you need to realize is that eating a takeaway once a week is OK.. You need to aim for the 80/20 rule, that's eating healthy at least 80% of the time, with 20% being the odd takeaway or something..

Once you realize that one takeaway a week really isn't as bad as you think, and that you'll probably burnt it off in the gym in no time, the easier it will be for you to stop making yourself throw up..Health Question & Answer

Your parents won't really kill you but being bulimic can.. You have a distorted body image and your thoughts are running your life.. Ask your parents to help you get some therapy from an eating disorders clinic.. This is real and it is serious.. In the meantime find an Over-eaters Anonymous group and start going to meetings.. There were a lot of young people in the ones I attended, not just fat old ladies..Health Question & Answer

Could try talking to a counselor.. Do you have a friend you can talk to.? Maybe once you're done eating and you feel like making yourself throw up call your friend, and just talk about whatever will get your mind off of it.. You could probably find a support group in your area..Health Question & Answer

I know you don't want to hear this, but the best thing to do is to tell someone, either your parents, counselor, or anyone can help..Health Question & Answer

well first off, good for you for losing a stone in one month in healthy ways.. that's the way you want to go, NOT bulimia.. besides, when you throw up your food its pointless as you dont lose weight, just water.. by the time you throw up, mostly all the calories have been absorbed into your system.. so in reality throwing up doesnt make any difference.. dont feel guilty about having a little treat, your body needs that little lift once in a while.. you cant be healthy 100% of the time, and as long as you work out and maintain a healthy diet, little treats here and there wont hurt at all.. whatever you do, dont resort to throwing up because you feel guilty.. if the guilt really cant go away, then work out a little and it'll make you feel better..
good luck! xxHealth Question & Answer

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