Do Opiates like Vicodin, and Morphine patches seem like a bad idea unless you are getting surgery?!

Question: Do Opiates like Vicodin, and Morphine patches seem like a bad idea unless you are getting surgery.?
I've seen so many people get addicted to them. I take Ultram, and Motrin usually. But Hydrocodine makes me nausea's, so maybe that is why I can step back and say they are bad. Health Question & Answer

You show good sense. Stay away from anything you don't need.Health Question & Answer

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but maybe you should have investigated Ultram/Tramadol a little bit better because they cause serious withdrawals and are extremely addicting. As a matter of fact since Ultram is a synthetic drug the withdrawal can be much worse than that of something like Vicodin.
I'm not even gonna get into the "addiction" thing, but I will say that one must be aware of what they are taking and determine if it is correct for their needs, if it happens to be a narcotic drug, then it becomes the patients responsiblity to take a directed. Most times when a pain pill is applied to Real Pain, there is little to no Euphoria because the drug is used up by the pain.Health Question & Answer

yes my friend stay away from these pain killers, these substances are for extreme pain and should only be given under medical supervision due to their effects and addiction possibilities. Ultram ( tramadol ) can also lead to addiction ,, i see the safest drug is motrin but i also suggest to counsel the pharmacist to double check .Health Question & Answer

ULTRAM IS A NARCOTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why do you keep writing it isn't.?.?.?.?.?.?.?read this answer; .?qid=20080913082717AAICrN2&show=7#profile-info-qz0dnWHQaa">;...

JESUS man, how many times do I have to tell you about this crappy drug! It is worse than Hydrocodone. ANd they mIGHT sink you.


There are a lot of things to consider with Ultram. First Tramadol is a narcotic and opiate. The medical world and doctors have been lying about this for years. It does have a potential for abuse. ANd on this premise. People ate them like candy thinking they were harmless and a lot of them are in rehabs now.

Ultram is two drugs in one. A weak opiate and a mild anti-depressant. SSI )Serotonin)inhibiting properties. I know people that have taken it for years and never had an issue. Than again there are people that took it and had extreme blood shot eyes and bags under their eye's and felt like they were going to have a stroke. This drug is notorious for horrible brain cracking migraines.And this was after using it once. It is a poor drug and like anything else is good for short term perhaps.

You might take it and it might be the greatest thing in the world for you. But realize this, it can take up to 21 days to get out of you. The withdrawal is far worse than any other opiate can produce and the bone pain it gives in withdrawal is notorious. With the two compounds in it the drug has a 9 hour half life. So being 50mg pills it does build up in you. I hate Ultram. But that is a opinion. My aunt loves it. It is best for use in people that are not physically dependant and are opiate naive. Tramadol is sold OTC in India. I thought I would throw in that fun fact. AND; Do not ever mix this drug with an anti-depressant!

The withdrawal from this drug in a physically dependant person is hell! What makes it so terrible is you are withdrawing of it's SSI properties and a randomly hitting opiate that contrary to what people think, I think the withdrawal is worse than a full MU-agonist. Type in Ultram sucks on Gooogle and read. It is a stupid drug and randomly hits receptors.
You are better off taking hydrocodone than this crap! Throw the darn things away. AND; AMEN to DELTA QUEEN, real pain PEOPLE DO NOT GET EUPhoria anymore, that was a novelty maybe in the first month. Physically dependant people take these things to feel normal! Just to get out of bed. I haven't got a shot of euphoria from anything in years.Health Question & Answer

Usually this would be a good idea, but sometimes the pain that some people are in when they come into a hospital is too strong, and they need something to help them.Health Question & Answer

Well I dont recommend the patches... my step father had died from them in February. Vicadin is safer and used more commonly.Health Question & Answer

Duh.Health Question & Answer

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