I am having hip replacement surgery soon - do you have any good tips on recovery, etc.?!

Question: I am having hip replacement surgery soon - do you have any good tips on recovery, etc..?
I know people who have gone through this have more practical information than just what I can read on sites. Would you be willing to share helpful hints, thanksHealth Question & Answer

I've had both hips replaced in separate surgeries. Here are some things I found helpful:
Prepare easy-to-reheat meals (or buy them) before surgery day.
Prepare your home for your return after surgery. Pick up throw rugs and clear the clutter in your home, paying attention to the spaces you will use the most - kitchen, bath, bedroom, living room. When you are using a walker or crutches you will appreciate this.
Pets underfoot (toddlers also) can be a hazard.
You will not be able to carry anything in your hands when on crutches or walker. Get a bag to put on your walker (my hospital gave me one). It enabled me to carry my cell phone, book, etc. Some people get an apron with pockets to carry things.
Move things you use frequently to areas no lower than your waist or knees so you can access them easily. You won't be able to get things out of bottom cupboards and drawers for awhile. Examples: kitchen stuff, clothing, items in bathroom.
For the kitchen, I bought a cheap plastic shelf section on wheels at K Mart. It was a little taller than the counter. I used this to load up things from the cupboards and refrigerator when I prepared a meal and was still using a crutch. I could put down my crutch and use the shelf as a temporary walker when I cooked.
If they send you home with a commode, it can double as a shower seat. Take out the bucket and put it in the shower and sit on the seat to shower. Replace your fixed shower head with one on a hose for easy showering.
If you're inclined to spend some $, you could consider getting a higher toilet fixture. We did this and liked it so much we got another one for the powder room.
Check out the stairs in your home. It REALLY helps if there is a railing on EACH side of the stairs on all stairs. Although our house is new, we didn't have this and I am so glad we had the second railing installed before my surgeries.
Figure out where you are going to sit during your recovery. You need at least one chair with arms, such as a dining chair. also consider the height. The seat shouldn't be lower than the bend in your knee, and a little higher isn't a bad thing. I resorted to stacking two white resin deck chairs for this. Arms are a must because you need arms to brace on when you sit and stand. Recliners can be a problem, esp. if they're too soft and if they rock and swivel. We raised our fixed recliner a couple inches by placing it on boards and I spent lots of time in it. Forget your sofa for awhile. They aren't good for hippies. I didn't sit in mine for several months.
Assemble things near the chair in which you will spend a lot of time. TV remote, reading material, phone, whatever you do to pass the time.
Figure out which side of the bed will be the correct one for you to get in and out of bed. For the right hip use the side which permits you to put your unoperated leg in bed first and then use that leg to drag your bad leg onto the bed. Even so, you may have to do what I did for a week or so: enlist help in lifting my bad leg onto the bed.
Those abduction cushions are a real pain. I didn't exactly follow the order to sleep with it in place for 6 weeks but I did substitute a fat bed pillow.
Getting a good night's sleep may be a big problem. I did better when I followed the visiting nurse's advice to take Tylenol PM at night. In hindsight, I wish I had asked for sleeping pills. If you're asked to sleep on your back (with the abduction pillow in place) for 6 weeks, you will find out quickly how uncomfortable that can be. I worked really hard on turning to my unoperated side with bed pillow between legs. Even a few minutes on my side was a relief.
Once you return home, make it a point to move around as much as you can. It may help reduce the incidence of swelling in your leg. Get up every hour and walk around the house. Even though everything you do will take 3 times longer than normal, go ahead and do as much as you can.
Until you are approved to drive, enlist someone to run errands and take you where you need to go. After awhile you may enjoy going to the store (grocery carts make wonderful walkers!) or even out to eat as long as you don't have to sit for too long.
For those times when you are away from home (and your carefully measured seating), get a boat cushion (personal flotation device) to use when the seating isn't high enough. I used mine in restaurants, the car, even the theater.
The toilet seats away from home may also pose a problem if they are not handicapped accessible with taller fixtures and grab bars. Usually it is other people's homes that have toilets that are too low. If you're going to spend any length of time in this situation, take a raised seat with you. You can buy one at some discount stores, home stores, medical equipment stores.

Health Question & Answer

Physical therapy is the most important thing after surgery. Do as much as you can within the limits set by your physical therapist. Health Question & Answer

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