I need help finding guidelines on rehabilitating my elbows. Do you have and good links?!

Question: I need help finding guidelines on rehabilitating my elbows. Do you have and good links.?
I injured my elbows in a bad fall two weeks ago. Nothing is broken or dislocated, but I have bad sprains. We took ordinary x-rays for diagnosis.

I have weakness in both hands, and pain in the elbows and some in the wrists and forearms. I can not straighten either elbow. I can not bend either elbow as far as I could before the fall. I have difficulty with ordinary tasks like turning a door knob and holding it twisted while I pull the heavy door open, opening car doors, and any thing that requires strength and a twisting motion at the same time. I can move to a degree if I take it slowly , but sudden movements are also painful.

I want to try to stretch and strengthen at home without the expense of physical therapy, but I'm not sure how to proceed. Any advice or links.?

Health Question & Answer

I don't have any good links, but I'm having a similar problem with a fractured shoulder.

I've gotten a lot of relief by soaking a towel in a strong solution of Epsom salts, tossing it into the microwave for 45 seconds, and applying the hot towel to the bad shoulder. Several people recommended this treatment before I tried it and I was very surprised with the results. I also massage the area with Aspercream and that has been helpful.

In the hospital I had physical therapists who had me stretching the arm to improve mobility, but there was a lot of pain and when the condition didn't improve I laid off the exercise and gave the shoulder a chance to heal some. It is coming along much better now, but I suspect that it will take a lot of work to get all the mobility back.

Glucosamine and chondroitin sold for arthritis relief should also help quite a bit. I bought a 30 day supply at a discount drugstore for about $18 and noticed significant results in just a few days.

I jump into a hot Jacuzzi fairly regularly and that has also helped me to relax and regain mobility.

I had a bad accident recently. I had so many fractures that it drove me nuts. I would cheerfully have braved the cold mountain spring waters of the Olympic Pennensula because I have had miraculous results in the past when treating other injuries (sprains and a fractured foot) by spending time in those curative waters. I almost flew up to Washington for a week of fishing and splashing around in the water, but legal matters kept me tied to the L.A. area. Swimming in the ocean waters and sunning on the beach near my home have been very helpful (to my psyche if nothing else), but the combination of saltwater, sun, and hot sand seem very healing).

Anxiety may be a factor - all your stress seems to find weak areas of your body and go there. So, in my opinion, it is important to take it easy, keep a pos. attitude, and baby yourself. A neighbor of mine uses mineral oil to give me a gentle massage occasionally. I feel great after those treatments. Something about warm oil and human touch to promote circulation and relaxation - it seems very healing.

Good luck with your recovery.

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