I need tips for staying up late tonight?!

Question: I need tips for staying up late tonight.?
Bonjour, so I have a french test tomorrow that I did not study for at alld uring this weekend, how can I stay up later tonight so I can study.? I know cramming is bad, so don't even say that, but I feel like I'm going to fall asleep. :/Health Question & Answer

take a short nap & wake back up if you can.
take NoDoz, or drink some kind of caffeine.
eat some carbs! (not too many though, that will make you even more tired).
have a study partner stay up with you (whenever i need to stay up - having a friend doing it too helps me).
if you decide to stay up ALL night, run at like 5-6am in the morning (only if your neighborhood is safe of course!). Running (especially when it's cool outside) always helps me wake up.
Good luck! =] Health Question & Answer

I'm probably gonna have to do that too for my History exam tomorrow =[

Don't drink energy drinks! You'll end up crashing later. Just drink maybe some soda and coffee..

Listen to some music, but not slow music. Maybe some fast-paced rock or pop.

While you're studying, sit on the floor. If you sit on your bed or the couch, you'll get comfy and feel tired.

Set an alarm to go off every 10 minutes just in case you fall asleep by accident.

I wouldn't stay up all night though. Just spend a few hours studying then hit the sack because you'll be too tired to even remember all the stuff you crammed. Hope it all goes well =]Health Question & Answer

You are better off going to bed on time tonight and get up an hour earlier tomorrow morning. You'll be able to study better and probably retain a bit more than you would if you study while yo're tired.Health Question & Answer

yeah caffeine and plenty of water. If you cant get to the caffiene also eat some pasta or cereral.

Good luckHealth Question & Answer

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