Getting over molestation?!

Question: Getting over molestation.?
how do u do it.? especially when it was by a family member.?Health Question & Answer

I was molested for 6 years of my childhood by my brother, and then raped at gunpoint at church for another 3 years by another teenager.

Please understand that when I tell you how I "got over it" - (which you never really do, you just learn to cope with it) - that I am not judging you or trying to tell you that you have to do what I did. BUT - I will tell you that I tried just about everything, and nothing else worked.

In addition to counseling, talking about it, crying about it, blogging about it and confronting the offenders, the ONLY thing that has helped me to "get over it" a relationship with Jesus Christ.

I still remember everything that was done to me, clear as a bell. I remember the way things sounded, felt, looked and smelled. I remember my body responding to it in a positive way (as if it was consensual), and feeling guilty about it. To this day, I still have memories of it sometimes when I'm intimate with my husband, and I've been married 17 years. You never really "get over it".

However, in Jesus there is a LOT of healing, both emotionally and spiritually. He has what you're looking for. All you have to do, is start talking to Him. He's already there, and has never left your side.

Some good books to read are Pain and Pretending (I forget the author of this one).......Boundaries: Where You End and I Begin by Henry Cloud and John Townsend......and Lord, Heal My Hurts by Stormie O'Martien.

God bless you with your quest to move on with your life, and if you need somebody to talk to who's been there, feel free to email me at

Health Question & Answer

this is a very difficult question since it could cause a trauma to the person molested. first of all, the person should realize that he or she is indeed safe from the family member and there is no need to worry.

however, this could be a problem for the victim to have sexual relationship with his or her partner in the future.
i think it is best for the victim to talk to someone about this matter or visiting a psychologist.

good luck.Health Question & Answer

First of all, let me start by saying i am so sorry this happened to you. Counseling is the best way to deal with this situation. I don't think you will ever get over it. But counseling will help ease the pain and the trauma. I don't understand why people do such terrible things but pray for that person and ask God to give you a forgiving spirit and you keep moving forward.Good luck! I will be praying for you.Health Question & Answer

Get professional help. Don't try to do this on your own. Victim services at your police station, or the rape help line in your area will be able to find you the counsellor you need. Please do it now. Please. Health Question & Answer

I dont think a person ever truly gets over it, the best way to deal with it though is to seek therapy and talk about it with someone and not keep it bottled up.

Good luck! Health Question & Answer

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