My mom fell about 3 feet off a ladder and hit her head on the cement two weeks ago. After it happend she had ?!

Question: My mom fell about 3 feet off a ladder and hit her head on the cement two weeks ago. After it happend she had .?
forgetfulness and slurred speech. She is better but still refuses to go to the doctor. It sounds like she is drunk on the phone. Should I fly out to her and make her go to the doctor.? Anyone, ever heard of this happening from hitting your head.? Could it have been a stroke.?Health Question & Answer

Hi I urge you to get her to the hospital ED ASAP, do not wait as she could have a closed head injury or a subdural hematoma, both are very serious conditions that include bleeding in the brain dura matter, AND especially if she sounds different, ie slurring words and forgetfullness. PLEASE seek help for this women as it may be a life and death matter, a neurologist can determine what to do about it. Whenever anyone hits their head and has symptoms as above it is serious and they must get help immediately, God's speed.....Health Question & Answer

She needs to see a doctor. It could be a number of things that your mom has but you can't take a chance. Go to her, explain to her the consequences and maybe she will go. When you hit your head it is always better if you see a doctor to make sure. There could be swelling inside her head pressing in places it shouldn't. Before it causes permanent damage I would have her see a doctor for sure.Health Question & Answer

a stroke is very possible what is the age of ur mother. your mother could have also had somthing nurological happen to her. is there any history of epilepsy in the family.? you have to look at it this way, did she remeber falling, did she loose balance, is there anyone that you know that lives by her that could take her to the doctor. Health Question & Answer

You mean to tell me she never went to the doctor.? That's crazy!!!! She very well could have damaged her brain in a major way. She could get a blood clot and that would definately cause a stroke. She will remain that way the rest of her life if she doesn't go to one. I say yes you need to fly out to her and demand she get help. If it were my mom she would have already had me there.Health Question & Answer

Mate, I'd fly out and take her straight to the hospital, either that, or call one of her friends and make them take her, or send an ambulance to the house and tell them what happened so they'll kind of be there to persuade her to go along with them. If all fails, fly out.Health Question & Answer

oh my goodness that's your momma if that happened hell yeah i would go see her. you only got one of those you know so you gotta take care of her. why wouldn't she want to go to the doctor she doesn't have insurance or something.?Health Question & Answer

it could be a concussion because when i got in a fight and i hit my head and my vision was blurry i was stumbling also sounded like a drunk person..

i think u should fly out because it can be a really bad concussionHealth Question & Answer

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