Sleep problems because of bed?!

Question: Sleep problems because of bed.?
Over the past couple of years I have tried all kinds of beds and I can't seem to sleep regardless. I've purchased rock hard beds and beds about as soft as they come, in all price ranges from cheap to super expensive. This past week I spent about $3000 on a nice super soft bed, only to find out last night that it was almost the worst night of sleep i've ever had. I find on average nights that the couch is more comfortable than the bed, but I still don't sleep well. Regardless of bed, couch, or even the floor I am constantly waking up in the night in pain at just about every point in my body.

What can I do to fix this.? I've about given up and the lack of sleep is driving me nuts I am always tired.Health Question & Answer

This could be a medical issue, but you should try changing the environment before you go out and buy anymore mattresses.
When you go to bed you should be tired, not too hot or cold, in comfortable clothing, in complete darkness and silence or have a small night light on if you really need it. You should avoid sugar and caffeine a few hours before bed. Don't lay in bed to watch t.v. or anything like that. The only thing you should be doing in your bed is sleeping and having sex. Go for a twenty minute jog in the morning or afternoon so your body is physically tired by time night comes along and read something before bed. Try buying firmer or softer pillows (which ever you like) and maybe new sheets if they aren't comfortable.
If all of that doesn't help you one bit, see a doctor.Health Question & Answer

try a water bed.Health Question & Answer

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