I fall asleep around 3 AM and wake up at 2 PM. How do I reset my internal clock?!

Question: I fall asleep around 3 AM and wake up at 2 PM. How do I reset my internal clock.?
I cant stay on this rhythm and need to reset my internal clock. What is the best way to fix this.? Right now I am thinking about staying awake until tommorow and go to bed early tommorow night.Health Question & Answer

Aaahhhh...The circadian rhythm. That's what it's called. Yours is out of whack. Here's what you do:
Set your alarm clock for the time you want to be waking up. Put the clock across the room, so you have to get out of bed to turn it off. Do not get back in that bed till bedtime. You know how many hours of sleep you need. Say it's 9 hours. (Not 11!) If you set your clock for 9am, go to sleep at 11:30pm. Napping is NOT allowed during the day. The bed is only for sleeping and sex. Nothing else. No TV, reading, etc. Those are the rules. You will be tired for a few days, but then your circadian rhythm will be back to normal.
Any questions.? E-Mail me. Stick to the rules! Bless you and happy sleeping! :)Health Question & Answer

Hey Andrei, I used to have the same prob. What I did was close to how Jackie described it in her answer.

Staying up the whole night and day didn't really work for me, as when the night started getting later, instead of feeling sleepier, I felt less so, coz I was used to being more active at those times, and ended going to bed at bout the same time as usual.

What DID work for me, was, to wake up a couple hours earlier and go to bed a couple of hours earlier every few days, to make the change gradual and more likely to become a habit. I made sure I slept no longer than 9hrs every night. Plus, I started exercising late in the evening for an hour or so to tire my body out to make it easier for me to fall asleep.

It felt kinda hard at first, but it soon became a habit, and I had my internal clock reset within a couple of weeks. It didn't even hit me that I was getting sleepier earlier and waking up around 7AM, since the change was gradual. And I'm still doing it.Health Question & Answer

the best thing to do is when you go to bed a 3AM you have to then wake up that day at a normal time. then by 2100 (9:00) or so at night you should be tired and want to go to bed. then you will start to get into the rhythm of waking up early and going to bed early. its hard cuz you will have to push your self to stay awake for a while , but this is how you reset you internal clock. dont try to stay awake all day that is just to hard.Health Question & Answer

Staying awake until tomorrow rarely works, it just pushes you even further out of whack.

Best thing is to go to bed around midnight (even though you might not fall asleep right away), and get up whenever you need to in the morning, even if this means you only get a few hours sleep. Then you might be tired all through the next day, but at least you'll be able to go to bed early that night, and be back on track.Health Question & Answer

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