Where does the belly button go? ?!

Question: Where does the belly button go.? .?
I'm confused about the functions of a belly button...
I know that the belly button is just what is left of cord after it drops off after birth.
They say that all the nutrients from the mother are passed through the placenta to the baby through the umbilical cord. So where do these nutrients go once they are through the cord.? I assumed that they would go into the stomach.? It has to be attached to something, isnt it.? lol Health Question & Answer

The nutrients go from the cord straight into the baby's bloodstream. Mom has already done the breaking down of the food in her own stomach and body. Since Mom shares her blood supply with baby via the cord, whatever nutrients Mom has in her bloodstream has already been broken down by her own body so there is no need for the baby's stomach or digestive tract to perform in the traditional manner until after birth. I had a college professor liken a fetus to a parasite. Mom does all the work and baby takes the much needed end result from her. There is a major artery in the region of the bellybutton on all people, and that artery is there because that's where we take those cord nutrients in, compliments of mom, when we are in utero.Health Question & Answer

The belly button is part of the colon. When the cord is cut and does not heal properly one may develop a Meckel's diverticulum - a pocket in the colon that can become infected and even burst. Health Question & Answer

I would assumed they are absorbed by the baby.?.?Health Question & Answer

omg... I've always wondered this!!! lol :P Now I can finally get some answers!!! lol (:
<3, saxophone girlHealth Question & Answer

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