How can I get my heel to stop hurting?!

Question: How can I get my heel to stop hurting.?
Okay, I had a cross country meet yesterday, it was 1 1/2 miles long. There were lots of hills and elevation changes. After I finish the race, my heel starts to hurt really bad when I bend it forward and then back (i.e., take a step forward with my right foot). How can I get it to stop hurting and be able to run (actually, at least walk!) again.? Health Question & Answer

Try otc medications like Tylenol or Motrin first, then RICE:

Rest--use the injured part as little as possible
Ice--use a wrapped ice pack on swelling
Compression--Ace bandage
Elevation--put the foot up when possible

Strains and light sprains respond pretty well to this. If the pain is so severe (brings tears to your eyes, or makes you literally unable to walk except to lurch along with a limp), see your doctor today.Health Question & Answer

OMG - my heel is hurting too from the long jogs. Basically this happens with too much pounding and the only thing you can do (apart from taking some analgesia) is keep off it for while, as in dont jog.
The pain is worse in the morning, but as the blood circulates a little most pain eases and only a slight ache remains. This baby just needs some time.
Health Question & Answer

It sounds like you jammed your navicular bone. You need to go to a chiropractor who specializes in sports injuries. Here is a list of them who are certified in extremity care, so you can find the one closest to you: Question & Answer

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