Has anyone here ever had a migraine for 5 days straight?!

Question: Has anyone here ever had a migraine for 5 days straight.?
but only at one certain time of the day.?

I have had one for 5 days now but only in the evening, from 5pm on. I have been taking Maxalt and it knocks it out. I didn't take it yesterday b/c it says that you should talk to your doctor if you take more than 4 a month and I already have a clotting disorder and wonder if I should be taking it anyway (don't fully trust the neurologist that prescribed it). also, I only have 2 left. Anyway, I was thinking (since it only happens in the evening) that the Maxalt may be working until the next day. However, I woke up feeling fine this morning and didn't take the Maxalt last night.
I was reading somewhere that you should go in to get the shot if you have one that exceeds 4 days but I haven't done that, only b/c it's not constant, just in the evening. I've never had one like this before, this one is not like the worst-ever ones I've had but is still enough to keep me from functioning while I lay in a dark, quiet room. I am sooo dreading 5pm.

Has anyone else experienced this.? Health Question & Answer

I had a chronic migraine problem....it never went away. It was much worse at times but was always there. There are drugs that can help. I take some everyday and only have a major migraine a few times a year. You may have to work with several doctors and different drugs to find what works for you. BUT the relief will be worth it. Hang in there!Health Question & Answer

well, depending what kind of migrane it is, does it have visual problems too.? or is it just a constant headace .?

I ve had migranes last for 2 or more days, its common , but your migranes can be a result of stress, tension headaches. I suggest mabey takeing some time off work and goin to a doctor, try to relax untill everything is under controll. :)

Hope everytihng is all ok!Health Question & Answer

i cant believe it, i have the same problem, it is driving me insane, i have terrible miagranes, i think i have had it about 5-6 days after collegue, it really hurts, nothing works even pain killers, only tempery, my head feels like it is pounding, i wish i could help you, and me! my eye sight is worse now, even though i wear glasses it doesn't go away when i wear them or dont nothing works!Health Question & Answer

sometimes the air pressure can bring on headache/migraines, also have you had your blood pressure tested recently.?Health Question & Answer

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