Shin splints or stress fracture?!

Question: Shin splints or stress fracture.?
Hello, I'm Laura. I'm not sure if i have shin splints or a possible stress fracture. The pain is in both legs from about my ankle to my knee, on the inside part of the leg. I am a gymnast and i have been tumbling on wrestling mats for about a month. The pain keeps getting worse and does not stop with rest. It is a constant burning/pressure pain. Walking up stairs, jumping, pressing the gas pedal.. anything basically hurts it. I read something about the "hop test" where you hop 10 times on each individual leg, and i cant get past the preparation for the hop without severe pain. HELP.Health Question & Answer

Characteristics of a stress fracture include many that you descibe...pain that radiates along the leg, is not relieved with rest, is still present even in non-weightbearing and is constant. Increased pain at night is also common.

In contrast, pain from "shin splints" or "tendonitis" tends to only hurt with resistive or weight bearing activity, is usually local, intermittent and relieved with rest.

Depending on the length of time you've had your symptoms, you may need an x-ray or bone scan (stress fractures will often not show up on x-rays until after 4-6 weeks.

At this time, I would say you have a high suspicion for a stress fracture. Health Question & Answer

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