Is the fight or flight response active during sleep, or how far into awakening does it take affect?!

Question: Is the fight or flight response active during sleep, or how far into awakening does it take affect.?
also can any one tell me can you have clear episodic memories while sleeping , or is it likely , unlikely , or very unlikely Health Question & Answer

the fight or flight response is a response of the sympathetic nervous system and is usually activated in times of stress. if i was to come breaking into ur room at 4 am with a hockey mask and chain saw and u woke up screaming and peeing in ur pants, than that is ur fight or flight response. basically it is for survival. either u flight for ur life or u take flight (flee) and hopefully u will make it.
no, it isnt "active" during sleep as ur parasympathetics take over.
when ur sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is active, ur body direct blood flow to the necessary organs such as heart, brain, muscles, bones, ...
ur heart rate increases as does ur breathing, ur pupils dilate, and u increase sweat.
as for the parasympathetics, blood goes to the other organs including brain and heart.
ur heart rate and breathing doesnt increase and ur pupils constrict.

as for memories during sleep, it depends on what stage sleep ur in. betcha didnt know there are different stages of sleep ;)
if ur in REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, no u cant recall ur dreams.Health Question & Answer

this involves your sympathetic nervous system which is inactive during sleep.

yes, don't you remember your dreams sometimes.?Health Question & Answer

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