I'm pretty paranoid about my foot.?!

Question: I'm pretty paranoid about my foot..?
Last Friday a huge guy 3x bigger than me stepped on my foot. My mom said it's just bruised, without looking at it once. People on Y!A say that I should go to the doctor because it could be fractured, but doctors don't do anything about fractures. My mom will not take me in, anyways. So, Thursday evening I just sprained my ankle of the same foot. It hurts like hell. My skating coach and a fitness trainer said it's just sprained, they don't know how bad though and keep it elevated and ice it 3 times a day for 2 days and since I'll be out of town this weekend to use crutches. So, I'm going to listen and all. Is it possible that there's more wrong with it than just a bruise and sprain.?.? How do I know for sure what's wrong with it.? I know my mom will not take me to the doctor and I'm going to be out of town all weekend. Am I just being paranoid about it or could I accually be freaked because there's something more wrong.?.? Health Question & Answer

You should really se a doctor. At the moment, there may not be anything seriously wrong with it, but it may be something that needs to be treated, because if you leave it for a while, it will just start to get worse and worse, and you may end up needing to have surgery. How old are you.? Is there a chance of going to the doctor by yourself.?Health Question & Answer

If itreally worries you so much you should have it examined. DO you have health insurance.? If you have a GP you should go just to feel better about it. Health Question & Answer

Can you put all your weight on it.? If yes, you're fine. If no, see a doctorHealth Question & Answer

go 2 own doctorHealth Question & Answer

Yes if what you say is what u feel. Than your body tell's you when something wrong,Now I have One foot the other was amputated one I have is also broke,So I would see a doctor.And get a mri,oR A BONE SCAN,A cat scan,also will help.Now have read your .?.Listen if you want.Get it checked There is no room for you as a athlete.Follow the way Bird's act.Please don't leave person ALONE To be left alone,I will always love what I MARRIED UNDER god So I pledge ,Answer me Or .? alone okay if not not you ,other ,I would first malnutrition your body,If there is any left
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