Has anyone torn their ACL partially but not completely and needed surgery?!

Question: Has anyone torn their ACL partially but not completely and needed surgery.?
I was in a cycle accident and fractured some bones in my knee and partially tore my ACL. Im in need of surgery and was wondering what ACL surgery is like.? How long did it take to recover.? and what was it like after the surgery/the recovery stage.?Health Question & Answer

I have not had an ACL reconstruction personally but aa a physiotherapist i have seen enough of them in my time!
The surgery itself can be a number of different techniques but the most commonly used is the hamstring tendon transfer or the patella tendon transfer where a graft of tendon is harvested and used to replace the damaged ACL.
The surgery usually takes about 1 1/2 - 2 hours.
You will come back from surgery most likely with a couple of drains in the knee which will be removed after 24 hours or so and then the hard work of rehab begins!!
There is a lot of rehab involved in a ACL reconstruction and you must be dedicated to your exercises to get the best out or your surgery.
It takes 9 months of physiotherapy to get you back to running etc but you will not be able to play contact sports for 1 1/2 - 2 years.
most patients i treat say there is little pain after the first two weeks and it is the frustration of not being able to do certain activities which is the biggest problem. However, 9 months is nothing in a lifetime and it isdefinitelyy a surgery you need to have to avoid arthritis of the knee in the future and to give you back your mobility and confidence.
Good luck with the surgery and work hard with your rehab!!!Health Question & Answer

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