If you were to saw your own foot off...?!

Question: If you were to saw your own foot off....?
like in SAW, would you pass out from pain/trauma.? Would you be able to move around or hop on one foot if you needed to, or would it be too painful.?Health Question & Answer

If anyone is thinking of sawing his or her foot, should seek help, see a psychiatrist. (I know your'e asking the medical answer or consequence of such a trauma).
OK, by the way, (medicaly speaking), you will not have the time to stay awake a couple of seconds after you start sawing your leg off.
You will faint seconds after the process since is gonna be slow and so painful that your blood pressure will fall and you will faint. Hopping or even thinking about it will be impossible. (The increasingly intense pain will drop your blood pressure and you will collapse).
It will be possible though (Hopping) if a laser or split second sawing machine will do the job. It means the pain will be intense but for a second or two so your blood pressure will not go abruptly low and you will still be consious and might hop. After a couple of hops though you will eventually collapse because of blood loss or low blood pressure.
Health Question & Answer

Yes, you would pass out. You would DEFINITELY pass out. also, the extreme blood loss would make you begin to feel exhausted, nauseated, and lightheaded. After losing too much blood, you would die. The only was you could possibly remain conscious to saw off your foot would be to kill the feeling in teh foot completely(i.e. tourniquet until the feeling is completely gone). Even then, painful!!Health Question & Answer

oh boy, why wud i do that.? i wouldn't even saw my own tail for a million bucks.Health Question & Answer

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